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"Could not create the paging file, error 80" During Grooming

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During a disk backup set grooming operation, I occasionally receive the following error (multiple times in a row) in the log:


"TMemory::createMapFile: Could not create the paging file, error 80"


The grooming operation still appears to complete successfully, even though that error shows up. However, once I start seeing that error on a particular backup set, that backup set eventually starts getting corrupt (it starts failing during backups, can't find the catalog file, invalid catalog file, etc...). I have spoken with EMC about this several times, and they have not been able to figure out the problem. They suggested that it was because my backup set had over 3 million files, and said that I should break it up into smaller backup sets. Well, i did that, and I am still getting these errors even on a backup set with less than 900,000 files.


It is also difficult to replicate this problem. It just happened to me about 30 minutes ago during a grooming operation (one that groomed 0 files by the way), and I tried to re-run grooming on the same backup set and got not errors. It happens very intermittently. Sometimes a groom will show these errors on a backup set, sometimes grooming on that same backup set won't show any errors.


I read another post on this forum that mentioned the fact that this error shows up because Retrospect cannot create its own temporary paging file. It also mentioned checking the "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir" (where the page file is stored apparently) to make sure it is empty when Retrospect is not running. I didn’t see any problems with that directory though.


I'm not sure what else to do. This is driving me crazy. I cannot tell you how many times I've had to recreate the catalog files because of this. Here is my system's info by the way:


Windows Server 2003 R2 (latest patches as of this post)

Retrospect Multi-Server 7.5.324, Driver Update and Hotfix Version

4 GB RAM (3.5 seen by Windows)

3.0 GHZ Intel Xeon Processor

RAID 5 Configuration, one volume


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.



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"Windows Error 0x00000050 - 80


The file exists."


It seems as Retrospect (or Windows) is trying to create a file, but a file with the same name already exists (and probably can't be deleted).

I know that "paging" files exist on Windows, but not where they are created, when and by which name. That's something for others to explore

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Well, the technicians I've spoken to have not seen this error. The last one I spoke to the other day suggested that it could be a problem with Retrospect trying to create it's own page file in the "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir" folder (which I also mention in my post above). It was suggested that I rename that directory, and re-create a new "RtrExec.dir" folder to take up a different physical portion on the hard drive (aka those particular sectors may be bad). I tried that and it didn't work. I also ran a full chkdsk on the entire volume, and it found no problems. It was also suggested to me to rename the entire "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect" folder, and re-install Retrospect (again, to have it reside on different sectors), which I also tried. That did not help either. I can pretty much guarantee that it's not a problem with the volume, and there is nothing wrong with that RtrExec.dir folder. Any other ideas on this would be greatly appreciated.

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I assume you're saving the data to the RAID volume?

Have you tried backing up to a different volume?

Might be good to try backing up to an external hd and see if the problem can be narrowed down to the source, the destination or the software.

Also is this happening on multiple backup sets or just on that one?

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Yes, I am backing up to a RAID 5 volume. I have not tried backing the data up to another volume, because the backup portion of the process works fine. It is the grooming process that generates these errors. I am positive it is not a RAID issue. I have run multiple chkdsk's on the volume and have not gotten a single error. Also, this is happening on multiple backup sets.


Yesterday I was told by EMC to remove the Windows pagefile (set it to "None"), restart, and re-add the pagefile. That did not solve the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I am suddenly also. I groom every weekend, and my logs from my most recent grooms contain 2-3 dozen of the error in the title for one groom action, and none for the second. Both grooms removed 34.x gigs from each set. They're on different 750 gig drives, each with over 100 gigs free. Boot disk contains over 48 gigs open.


MultiServer 7.5.324.

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I am also having this problem. I'm trying to backup a Mac OS X volume (running client 6.1.130 - latest v.) from a Windows Server 2003 running Retrospect multiserver 7.5.324 to an Overland Arcvault-12 tape backup unit. The backup has crashed every day for the last week. It's a large volume going to tape, ~1.5TB; and at some point the script freezes, and retrospect shuts down, prompting me to send an error report.


I also see this error dozens of times in the log: "TMemory::createMapFile: Could not create the paging file, error 80."


After the crash, I get this error: "Execution terminated unexpectedly, possibly due to a power failure or system crash."


I've rebooted to no effect. This also occured prior to the release of the most recent hotfix for


Any ideas?

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I have this same problem, and I have not gotten any help from EMC on it. I have the latest version installed ( EMC is "working on it", but I haven't heard back from anyone in a long time. I am pretty positive they are not doing anything about this. It's ridiculous. If the software is generating an error, you would think that the engineers would know what the error means. They are the ones who wrote the error into the code! It's so frustrating. On top of it all, my drives keep getting fragmented all to hell. Can anyone say Symantec BackupExec? I may be headed in that direction shortly.

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FYI - I've seen this problem for some time. Was told to re-install..that my config info may be corrupt.

I also get another memory error...and they all seem to relate to 'grooming'!!! Not to mention some assertion errors.


After switching to Retrospect..it seems my company has gone backwards with our backup process.

Please let me know if there is any update on this!




edit - other error tmemory.cpp -1176 - I can't out about this error.

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It sounds like this error is not only related to grooming since "crfroehlich" has said that he is backing up to tape and you can't groom a tape.


First off, this error occurs because Retrospect either cannot create a page file in the System Temp folder or a page file with the same name already exists in the System Temp folder and Retrospect cannot overwrite it.


Retrospect will generate page files after a certain point when scanning backup sets with large numbers of files to avoid taxing the system memory. The page files will be deleted upon completion of the execution.

These page files are generated in the System Temp folder (usually designated as C:\Windows\Temp). Go to "Control Panel > System > Advanced Tab > Environment Variables > Check Temp under System Variables to find the designated path".


A couple things to check:

1. Is Retrospect running as an admin user? Does the admin user have write access to the System Temp folder? Do you have any 3rd party software that would prevent writing to the System Temp folder. It's possible that folder permissions may be preventing Retrospect from writing the page file.


2. Check the System Temp folder and see if for some reason, the Retrospect page files could not be deleted. The files should be labeled "retromap_(a number).tmp". If these files exist please remove them.

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Good advice michaeln. As for my case, I have already tried moving the temp folder to a different drive altogether, and that did not even stop the errors. Retrospect is running as a domain admin, and there are no temp files left behind. The Retrospect user has full access to the temp folder (I have even manually created files in that folder). So in my case, the problem is something else.

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I'm seeing the TMemory error 80 problem too. In my case it occurs when transferring current snapshots from one backup set to another (both disk based) - it occurs specifically for the largest (100GB - 400 000 file) snapshot but not for the others which are significantly smaller. It also occurs during grooming. I originally contacted Retrospect tech support some time ago and was told to increase the size of the system paging file. This has not helped. michaeln's response implies to me that the system paging file is irrelevant? I did indeed disoover a bunch of retromap files in the winnt/temp directory which I've now deleted. The disk has lots of free space and checks out fine with chkdsk. I will post results of this when I can see if it has made a difference.

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If anyone has had any success troubleshooting this please let me know. I'm getting the same errors. Thanks!


It isn't clear whether or not you actually have tried anything already mentioned in this thread.


Also, I quote rhwalker.

Please provide:

(1) complete version number of Retrospect

(2) complete version number of Retrospect Driver Update

(3) complete version number of the OS

(4) complete description of hardware being used.

(5) complete description of the steps you are doing

(6) complete description of the problem

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Hi, thanks for your reply. On a general level I've noticed the map messages during backup transfers and they seem to be almost invariably followed by catalog file or tape data corruption.


Are you an EMC/Retro employee? Does anyone here work for EMC/Retro? (Just asking because I honestly have no idea.)


There is no indication in this thread that a real solution has been provided to this problem and the problem seems to be fairly consistent in symptoms - that's why I asked if anyone has had any success troubleshooting this, to see if any positive responses come along.


Thanks again for your reply...I'll be posting that information as soon as I get the chance. In the meanwhile, I'd greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts of the questions I ask above.

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And does anyone think that the stock "you're backing up too many files in the backup set" answer is unacceptable? This was billed to me as an enterprise backup solution. It doesn't appear to be anywhere near that in the 3+ months we have been *trying* to use it with success.

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Are you an EMC/Retro employee? Does anyone here work for EMC/Retro? (Just asking because I honestly have no idea.)





This is basically a user-to-user forum, even if EMC employees do answer questions.

That said, this is not EMC support. If you just bought Retrospect or are on maintenance support is included. Otherwise, you may want to open a support incident. If it is indeed a bug, you will get a refund.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I've not had a recurrence of the error since clearing out the retromap files from the system temp folder - so I think its fixed. I'm not sure what caused these files to be left in the first place, but I have in the past experienced crashes during grooming and backups so perhaps thats the explanation.

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Sorry I forgot to follow up on this thread ...


If Retrospect is launched AUTOMATICALLY, in most cases the Local System Account is running Retrospect and hence the "RetroMapped_#.tmp" files will be stored in C:\Windows\Temp.


However, if Retrospect is being launched MANUALLY by a user account (at the very top of the Retrospect screen next to the red cube you will see what user you are running Retrospect under eg. "TS-Michael\michael"), then the "RetroMapped_#.tmp" will be in "C:\Documents and Settings\<user profile>\Local Settings\Temp".


If you remove them (make sure Retrospect is closed), then those messages should go away.

These files are automatically deleted after the execution which is what we have seen in our tests.


Thanks to scottjwoodford for finding and confirming this.

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