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Log analyzer for Retrospect?


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Does anyone know of any log analyzer for Retrospect?


I've looked at the Reports Watcher, Backup Report, Operations Log, and Session Contents.


None of them allow me to search, sort, and filter in the ways I want.


Presently, I'm hacking something together in FileMaker that will meet my immediate needs, but before I go much further with my personal effort, I thought I'd see if there was already something out there.




Keith Parker

San Rafael CA

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Hi Nate,


What kind of information are you looking for?




Hmm. Based on your response I'm guessing the answer to my original question is "There isn't anything currently available."


The kind of information I'm looking for varies. Ultimately, I'd like a one-stop-shopping solution that allows me to perform finds and see only the found results. The "Find" function in the Operations Log is not very useful in that respect.


For example: how to you FIND ALL days in the month of October in which the total amount of data backed up that day exceeded 500 MB? That's more or less what I wanted to know.


In my business, I do both IT work and FileMaker development work. So I did what a lot of us do. I rolled my own. Yesterday, I created a FileMaker log analyzer that gulps the contents of the operations log, then through a series of scripts and sub-scripts, it marks all the data, then populates three tables with the correct relational links included.


The basic structure is:

Main table topic: each record shows any time Retrospect was launched

First child table: Shows each workstation that had activity during that launch

Second child table: Shows actual activity for each workstation and non-workstation related activity for that instance of the launch.


The system also parses through the "kb/mb/gb backed up" entries and strips off the KB/MB/GB text , converted all to MB and then have a summary field for each workstation and for each time Retrospect was run.


I've written a series of scripts and subscripts and now have it consolidated to a one-click procedure, which imports the exported logs and then parses them and populates the tables.


So I suppose I have what I need, but if there were something out there, it's possible that it would do more than my current bare bones effort.


Please do not cross post your questions to all the topics. The other threads have been removed.


I posted in the other two forums as well because it occurred to me that it might exist for one platform/version and not for the other. For example scripted transfers are not supported in the Mac version, but they are in the Windows version. And of course the server versions have features not present in lesser versions. I wanted to make certain that whoever was monitoring each area saw the question.




Keith Parker

San Rafael CA

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Can you tell me where the location of the operations log file is? Both on Windows and Mac platforms.


Presently, what I'm doing is going into the Operations Log, performing a "Select All | Copy" and pasting the contents into a text file, then importing that into FileMaker.


It would be easier if I could just point FileMaker at a location, and then select the file directly for import.


Thanks in advance,


Keith Parker

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Hi Nate,


Thanks. Actually, on my Win2K Server, SP4 box it was in


C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect


But on an XP box where I had previously been testing the program it was in the place you mentioned above. It's worth noting that on the Win2K Server box, I originally had installed 5x and have since upgraded to 6.5. However on the XP box it started with 6.5.


On the Mac (OS X 10.3) it was where you specify.





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