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Can't see SQL container


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Machine A is an SQL Server 2000 (SP3a) running on Windows 2000 server (SP3).

It also runs the latest Retro client.


Machine B is an XP box running Retro 6.5 - It has an SQL licence (unused).


In the volume selector on Machine B I can see machine A, and all of its drives,

but I don't see an SQL container.


What am I doing wrong?





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  • 3 weeks later...

OK - done a bit more investigation on this. I actually installed the full Dantz


package on that SQL Server, and even locally it still doesn't seem to realise


that it's running on an SQL Server.




I tried it on another machine running the developer version of SQL Server


and it saw it no problem.




So there's obviously some setting within my main SQL Server which stop


Retro from seeing it.




Do you have any ideas? I'm pulling my hair out here.




By the way - the server is running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition,


with a single server instance, and I'm (temporarily) running Retro as


Administrator. Adminstrator gets into the SQL Server fine as a login


within Enterprise Maganer.








Paul Ockenden


Contributing Editor


PC Pro Magazine

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Are you running this in a domain environment or as stand alone servers? Do you have SQL set for domain authentication or SQL authentication?


In the past there were cases (specifically with Windows NT) where some disks would not be visible because they did not have proper permissions. Esentially the admin group did not have access to the volume so Retrospect could not see it.


One theory:

If this is a domain and you told retrospect to run as a domain admin the problem would persist even if you install Retrospect locally on the server.


Have you tried running Retrospect as a different user/ logged in user? Is the Admin acocunt a member of the database administrators group?


Be sure to get Retrospect 6.5.343 from our updates page. It never hurts to have the latest version.




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Are you running this in a domain environment or as stand alone servers? Do you have SQL set for domain authentication or SQL authentication?



I'm running a domain environment with mixed mode SQL authentication.



In the past there were cases (specifically with Windows NT) where some disks would not be visible because they did not have proper permissions. Esentially the admin group did not have access to the volume so Retrospect could not see it.



I've tried two different accounts. One set up as per the manual, and also the administrator account. Both of these accounts are able to access the SQL Server using Enterprise manager.


Also, on another machine (XP Pro, developer version of SQL) retrospect can see the SQL Server.



Be sure to get Retrospect 6.5.343 from our updates page. It never hurts to have the latest version.



That was one of the first things I tried. No luck, I'm afraid.


Are you 100% certain that Retro works with SQL Server Enterprise Edition (with its multiple instances etc.) ??? Is there any extra loggin I can switch on to help you guys locate the problem?


Thanks for your help.


Paul Ockenden

Contributing Editor

PC pro Magazine

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I have confirmed that we do fully support SQL server enterprise edition.


Some logging would be helpful actually. Type ctrl + ALT + P + P at any screen in Retrospect and turn trees and volumes to 7. Open and close volumes database a few times and then send the log to pacrimsupport@dantz.com. If possible please also send a system profile report for the server. It is probably going to be easiest to troubleshoot this if you can run Retrospect locally on the server machine


BTW the log is in C:documents and settings\all users\application data(hidden)\Retrospect\operations_log.utx




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  • 1 month later...

Has there been any resolution or developments regarding this situation?


I have a similar problem all Win2k and SQL 2000.


I had the sql agent visible on one machine, I forgot the client and attempted to readd.


The client adds but without the SQL container (licensed or otherwise).


I have removed and rebuilt my config65 files and I do see my other SQL containers on other servers.




I have removed and replaced my retrospect client with reboots more times than I can count.




The link is active as when I change the volume label on client machine it is reflected in the remembered volumes list, but no SQL Container.




Please help, I am a new user to this forum and thought this was the best place to chime in.






Update: In desperation I installed Retrospect Multi Server w/SQL on the SQL server in question. Again, no SQL Container! This must therefore be a local issue on the SQL Server and it doesn't matter if I run it from the domain admin account or backup agent service account.



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The machine has only had restrospect installed, when I was hired to build up our modest datacenter I made Retrospect our backup solution since I have years of success with the product (until now).




The problem developed while 6.5.336 was on the server machine, I think the client software is 6.5.312?




However when I installed the product on the machine locally I used the latest version that could be downloaded this week.




Both versions are unable to see the local SQL server running when they are installed on the same machine, however they can see other SQL servers on our network.




I am able to backup the databases using enterprise manager logged on to the same accounts that I am using for Retrospect, so I doubt it is a security issue.




Any help is appreciated!





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

An Update...


Again, I return to this group looking for wisdom and inspiration.


We have not be able to reacquire our SQL container after forgetting the client. When we readded the client, the container was missing and cannot be found. The details are included previously, but that is the crux of the problem.

This is what I have done in an attempt to solve the problem:


I forgot and readded the client several times.


I deleted the config65.* files and rebuilt from scratch.


I installed the full retrospect product (multiserver) on the SQL server, using both the installed and the current version. On both occasions it found all the other SQL servers on site, but not itself.


I contacted Dantz Support, haven't heard anything except that development is looking at it.


To make this more interesting:

Enterprise admin can backup this server, but due to the lack of sufficient disk space or a connected tape drive, we are operating in the risky realm due to a limited depth of backup.


What am I missing???




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Sorry for the slow response. Dantz is still looking into the cause of this issue.


Did you use the default instance of SQL during install or a custom instance?


It is possible that not having the default instance of SQL could prevent Retrospect from seeing additional installs of SQL on the computer.




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Standard edition here, but this is the results of xp_msver


1 ProductName NULL Microsoft SQL Server

2 ProductVersion 524288 8.00.818

3 Language 1033 English (United States)

4 Platform NULL NT INTEL X86

5 Comments NULL NT INTEL X86

6 CompanyName NULL Microsoft Corporation

7 FileDescription NULL SQL Server Windows NT

8 FileVersion NULL 2000.080.0818.00

9 InternalName NULL SQLSERVR

10 LegalCopyright NULL © 1988-2003 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

11 LegalTrademarks NULL Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

12 OriginalFilename NULL SQLSERVR.EXE

13 PrivateBuild NULL NULL

14 SpecialBuild 53608448 NULL

15 WindowsVersion 143851525 5.0 (2195)

16 ProcessorCount 4 4

17 ProcessorActiveMask 15 0000000f


19 PhysicalMemory 3920 3920 (4109914112)

20 Product ID NULL NULL


Obviously, MS falsely reports 4 CPUs when we have two Xeons.




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Here's the results from ours:

1 ProductName NULL Microsoft SQL Server

2 ProductVersion 524288 8.00.760

3 Language 1033 English (United States)

4 Platform NULL NT INTEL X86

5 Comments NULL NT INTEL X86

6 CompanyName NULL Microsoft Corporation

7 FileDescription NULL SQL Server Windows NT

8 FileVersion NULL 2000.080.0760.00

9 InternalName NULL SQLSERVR

10 LegalCopyright NULL © 1988-2003 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

11 LegalTrademarks NULL Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

12 OriginalFilename NULL SQLSERVR.EXE

13 PrivateBuild NULL NULL

14 SpecialBuild 49807360 NULL

15 WindowsVersion 143851525 5.0 (2195)

16 ProcessorCount 2 2

17 ProcessorActiveMask 3 00000003


19 PhysicalMemory 256 256 (267952128)

20 Product ID NULL NULL


Only two processors!



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  • 1 month later...

I may be able to offer some insight thanks to Dantz tech support.

This issue has been a problem for us for a very long time and we can now see the SQL container. Dantz T/S indicated that there was a problem in how SQLDMO was registered in the registry. Of the several approaches suggested for remediation I chose to have the SQL installer rebuild the registry hive. Once completed the SQL Container appeared as not-licensed, which is what we expected.


My concern is now not so much with the product, but what wrecked the registry. Only installation activity has been the application of M$ patches.


Hope this helps some other soul,



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You may need to reconstruct this link...




What I did was the least painful, run the installer have it it rebuild the registry hive which I understand refreshes the registry based upon the installation files. Seemed pretty low-risk to me, but given the role this machine has in our organization I will rebuild machine from scratch and try to determine what (if anything) breaks the container along the way. The rub is that I cannot license the SQL server or the container detector problem may not become apparent.


Good luck!

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Hmmm... that MS article seems somewhat broken! Instructing you to register an rll file!


I tried re-registering the .dll, but that made no difference.


I'm really nervous about letting the installer re-build the registry because I've

seen that cause problems in the past.


I wonder whether, now that Dantz know the "alternative" registry structure, they

could code an SQL agent that will work with it...


Do you know what I can look for in my registry to see whather I have the same

problem as you?


Thanks again,



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So I am not the only one who had concerns (or misread the article).


I do not know enough about the particular registry entries to offer any suggestions.


Our problem was isolated through a special version of the Retrospect program, which I think you'd have to request from Dantz. It would be nice if they condensed it into a test tool which we could use for diagnosing... Something to list the contents of SQL container when run on a local machine.



Happy hunting,



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