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Device Busy DVD-R

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When I run a backup of my local area network, I cover 4 computers with a total of 7 disks. Almost (but not every) time that I run the back up, I get a disk busy error, and a request for a new disk, at EXACTLY the same place in the back up. At the conclusion of copoying the 6th disk, but befor the last "write to disk", the error pops up, There is 0-K remining to copy , but something gets written to the new disk, as to complete the compare, I need to put in the previous disk, then the new disk to continue with the back up. The DVD is not full.


I'm running a dual G4 with the native DVD drive in place.


Any suggestions to further touble shoot this problem?


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In the configure backup sets window how much data is reported to be on the disk? What type of media are you using? What version of Retrospect and what OS are you using? What is the exact device name as listed in the Retrospect configure->devices->device status window?





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I'm running Mac OS 10.2.8, Retrospect 5.1, the device is listed as "ATAPI-A Pioneer DVD RW DVR 105 Version A506, Driver DVD-R-RDI (TAO) (5.11). How much data is reported to be already written on the disk varies tremendously. Sometimes it is only a few meg, sometimes closer to full, never exactly full. The media is DVD-R.


Again, the odd part is that the error and then the request for a new disk comes at exactly the point immediately before the "compare" when the window states "About zero K remining to store", and always when backing up the drive on one of the computers. Today, for the first time, the error occurred on the 7th disk, but this is one of the two disks on the same computer.


Anything else that might be helpful?






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This is unusual.

If you choose a smaller amount of source data and try a backup that spans 1.5 DVDs does the error happen? It appears to be tied to the point at which retrospect closes a backup session but it is hard to be sure. What happens if you continue to do normal backups to that set? Does this happen every time it finishes backing up?



Try moving or deleting your Retrospect preference files to see if that makes a difference.



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Yes, it does seem to happen when closing a back up session. It is definately not tied to the size or amount of the back up done. It is tied instead to ONE computer in the network. Retrospect functions flawlessly (as far as I can tell) with much larger chunks of data from the other computers on the network. It just dies while backing up the one computer, during back up of one of the two disks. It happens ALMOST every time I back up that computer. Never backing up a different computer.


The IP of the computer in question is Here is the netstat for my system:

Routing tables



Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire

default UGSc 21 7 en0

10.0.1/24 link#4 UCS 4 0 en0 0:3:93:1f:a3:35 UHLW 21 2 en0 710 8:0:7:26:d9:a0 UHLW 0 693 en0 1092 localhost UHS 1 260 lo0 link#4 UHLW 2 3 en0 link#4 UHLWb 2 41718 en0

localhost localhost UH 13 3570557 lo0

169.254 link#4 UCS 0 0 en0



Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire

UH lo0

fe80cryrub.gif%lo0 Uc lo0

link#1 UHL lo0

fe80cryrub.gif%en0 link#4 UC en0

0:a:95:9f:45:a0 UHL lo0

ff01cryrub.gif U lo0

ff02cryrub.gif%lo0 UC lo0

ff02cryrub.gif%en0 link#4 UC en0





PS The "crying" gremlin pops up instead of a double colon. Not sure where to fix that in the post

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It sounds like this problem machine is the last in your script? If so try moving it to the start of the script and see if the behavior is the same.


In your script are you selecting the drives of each client or the entire client? Are you using source groups? I have heard of one case where changing selecting a drive rather than an entire client helped with strange spanning problems. Maybe just a fluke but it is worth a try.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Your suggestion also failed. I think though that I have a small insight. I had set my energy saver to allow the hard disk to sleep when possible. The computer where there was a failure was clearly the slowest on the network, so it is possible that the main computer's hard drive went to sleep, then the back up failed. I'll keep you posted.



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