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I have 3 servers, 2 pc with Win 2K and 1 Xserve OS 10.2.8. Retrospect Workgroup is running on the Xserve. I want to increase my backup devise to an autoloading AIT3 drive.

Is it possible to back all 3 servers through retrospect on the Xserve without file format issues from the PC?

When recovering data for the PC servers ashould the recovery be directed to the PC Server HD?

Does the Xserve need to see the PC servers on the destop for script purposes, or will it just look for these on the network?

Do the PC servers need any specific version of retrospect running on them?

Would it be easier to do the back up from the backup the other way around? I.E from one of the PC servers?

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I have a backup machine running OS X 10.2.6 that backs up several machines.

The machines are a mix of OSX, Windows NT4, 2000 and XP.

I have selected "all files but cache" in an attempt to prevent backing up Temp internet files but on the PCs it just backs up everything.

How do I prevent backing up these files ?

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