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Selectors don't appear to be working

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I'm using Single Server v6.

I have a fairly extensive list of selectors.

I have a script to run the regular backups on a number of networked machines.


The problem: when I manually go through the script, making sure it's running the selectors I want, and I do the procedure to check my selectors, it verifies that the folders/files I don't want aren't being selected for backup (a TEMP folder for instance). However, when the backup is finished, I can successfully go back and restore the unwanted folder and it's contents.

It appears my selectors were ignored in spite of what it told me.


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When you talk about the "contents of the TEMP" folder are we talking about actual files or just folders?


Selectors exclude all of the files that are stored within the specified folder. However the entire directory tree is backed up when the snapshot of the volume is created. During a restore you can restore the folders but there should't be any files in there.


Folders take up virtually no space on the drive and are not backed up the way files are. That could account for what you are seeing.




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The selector itself may be corrupt. Try removing the rule that excludes your temp folder and then saving the selector. Then relaunch Retrospect and add that rule again to the selector. You can also make a copy of the selector and remove rules until it starts to work properly. Then add rules back in as needed.


If you create a new selector with only the rule to exclude the temp folder does it work? Make sure to try it with a recycle backup.




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