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Simultanious duplicates waiting for HD ?


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Hi !


We just upgraded to Multi Server 6.5 in order to be able to do eight duplicates at a time ... but as far as I can see the server is still doing one duplicate at a time as the rest of the scheduled jobs are waiting for the destination disk as another job is using it at the moment.


Now, I can understand and accept the fact, that a tape can only be accessed by one job at a time but this simply isn't the case with a harddisk !


Did I just miss something in the preferences or does Retrospect view a harddisk as if it had the same characteristics as e.g. a tape drive ?


Best regards :)


Kasper :o)


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Hi - and thanx for quick answer smile.gif !


I have Retrospect configured to use all eight available execution units and all my jobs are defined to use any available execution unit.

My problem is that the server apparently belives that the E-drive (that all my duplicate jobs uses as destination in different folders) is in use and thus is not able to store data from any other job at the moment. All my waiting jobs has a "waiting for drive E" next to them.


But I simply can't belive that it should be the case that Retrospect can't run eight simultanious jobs writing to the same volume at the same time.


Kasper :o)


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Retrospect has to lock the parent volume to run an operation even when you are just backing up one folder. Unfortunately, what you are trying to do won't work.

You can get around this by duplicating between partitions on the same physical drive.



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