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Unattended/Shutdown Freeze (OS9.1&FileSaver)

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Two problems I am encountering:


1) Norton FileSaver freezes at shutdown after a successful Retrospect script has run.


2) My other drives (hard disk and external scsi) back up, but the script freezes frequently when it gets to my VST FW Drive.




I'm running a beige G3 with Mac OS 9.1. I have a SCSI Dat Drive, SCSI CD-RW, and SCSI external drive. I've also installed an OrangeLink FW/USB card that has a Keyspan hub connected to a USB scanner, USB Epson 1280 printer and VST FW 18gb Drive.




I do not have any scheduled executions within the "foreseeable future" (a fix that Dantz suggests).




Has anyone had similar problems? Can anyone suggest a fix?





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This could be an indication of a device communication problem with the FireWire drive. Can you copy (drag and drop) seveal 100 megs to the internal hard disk without the freeze?




You can try a test with a file backup set as the destination, this will eliminate the DAT drive as the cause of the freezes.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm running an IMAC PowerPC G3 with Mac OS 9.1 and Retrospect 4.3C to a VST Firewire Hard Drive. When formatting as extended format retro says "Volume not recognized" and prompts me to erase and reformat. Retro formats it as "Mac OS" (standard I assume). I constantly get freezes and crashes of Retro. Any help?

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Sorry, pauljarzab. I have not tried to format my drive using Retrospect. I had a lot of directory problems with the drive, even though I formatted it using VST/SMartDisk's software. DiskWarrior was very helpful with the directory problems. Also, I am not backing anything up to my FW drive, only from it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good luck.

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Retrospect would only do this if you have told it to back up with a Removable Disk set. If you are backing up to an external drive, you should use a file backup set instead.




There's a tutorial on our website that takes you through setting this up. Note that the screenshots are OS X, but the options and steps you will take are the same under OS 9.





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