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Error -1132 Trying to Create Disaster Recovery ISO Image


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frown.gif After suffering through the TOO LARGE problem, I finally used nLite to solve my size problem and can now generate an image of only 618 MB; however, at the last moment, Retrospect fails to create the ISO image due to the following - Any Suggestions? rolleyes3grem1.gif


+ Retrospect version 7.5.387

Launched at 08/02/2007 6:19 PM

+ Driver Update and Hot Fix, version

+ Executing Prepare for Disaster Recovery at 08/02/2007 6:20 PM

From Backup Set Backup Set A, Snapshot XPS_MAIN (C:) 08/02/2007 12:30 AM

To CD-ROM image file Restore XPS_MAIN.iso...

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\atl.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\mfc42.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\mfc42u.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\msvcp60.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\comctl32.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

08/02/2007 6:31:16 PM: 5 execution errors

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tried creating a DR ISO file for the first time today with 7.5 professional and got the ISO too large message as well. Refering to KB Article # 5989 it says to look at the files in the various folders used to create the ISO. I did this + the math and it's hard to get over 600 MB. I assume there are some other files need to boot the recovery process but not 195 MB worth (my ISO was 795MB). Is it possible to create an ISO on a DVD? Having a dependable + fast DR process that can cope with RAID arrays is one of the reasons I started evaluating Acronis - their DR boot disk is very simple and deals with RAID arrays, networks and USB devices - it actualy works. What are the prospects of EMC dealing with this in the relatively near future?

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  • 4 months later...

Have there been any updates to resolve this issue? This is the only thread I've uncovered related to the issue. I am also having the same hard-stop when trying to create a disaster recovery disc:


File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\atl.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\mfc42.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\mfc42u.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\msvcp60.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\comctl32.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)


The files mentioned above do not even exist, so I'm not sure why RS is trying to copy them. though a quick search finds at least of few of these files elsewhere in the OS.


Any thoughts? Is it even on EMC's radar to fix?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just did a new set and got:


+ Executing Prepare for Disaster Recovery at 2/18/2008 2:01 PM

From Backup Set Set E-R-v7_5, Snapshot Cdrv (C:) 2/17/2008 6:20 PM

To CD-ROM image file Restore Cdrv(2-18-08).iso...

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINNT\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\rtcdll.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

Can't continue execution, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

Can't continue execution, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

exd2Begin: Coundn't create custom txtsetup file: error -1101 (file/directory not found).

2/18/2008 2:07:45 PM: Execution incomplete

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What is the exact version of Windows including service pack?


What is the source of the i386 folder you are using? Does it have the service pack slipstreamed into it?


I see from the path that you have a Users.WINNT directory, which is totally not normal with a standard Windows install. Is this an upgraded version of Windows from a prior OS? Is this a dual boot system of some sort?

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I upgraded from Win2000 to WinXP with a Microsoft CD that included SP2.

Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254 (Service Pack 2)


I have used the txtsetup.sif located on C:\winnt\i386 and also tried txtsetup.sif on the CD.

They are both the same. 8/4/04 7:00AM


It worked on a Disaster rec disc file=Restore Cdrv.iso done on 3/5/07. That was on my SET "C"


I have used Retro since version 5.

Installed Retro 7.5 on 6/30/06.

I run the upgrades, drivers usually 2-4 weeks after they notify me that they are available.


When I went to my SET "D" is when I first noticed the problem.

I started my SET "D" on 10/7/07

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The errors occur with the latest version and Hot fix (see below). By watching the event viewer in the Retrospect activity monitor, one can see that the error occurs while the Disaster Recovery Preparation is duplicating the files of the snapshot that the emergency disk will be based on. It writes the files necessary for the .iso image to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State". The files that generate the "cannot write" error are ultimately written to this directory. The disaster recovery preparation continues by writing the .iso image, but ultimately the process fails and Retrospect deletes the .iso image the and the contents of the directory mentioned above. Only then does Retrospect write the following error message in the operations log.


+ Retrospect version 7.5.508

Launched at 2/22/2008 12:21 PM

+ Driver Update and Hot Fix, version

+ Executing Prepare for Disaster Recovery at 2/22/2008 12:25 PM

From Backup Set D600 - 01, Snapshot Local Disk (C:) 2/22/2008 12:00 AM

To CD-ROM image file Restore Local Disk.iso...

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\atl.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\mfc42.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\mfc42u.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\msvcp60.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\RtrExec.dir\Exec\State\comctl32.dll": cannot write, error -1132 (file creation error on destination volume)

2/22/2008 12:38:11 PM: 5 execution errors

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  • 4 weeks later...

I notice that at least two other's disaster recovery preparation fails while attempting to create the same five files. It occurred to me that I am using a Dell OEM copy of Windows XP (a green CD) to build the disaster recovery set. Could this be the problem?


I don't have any other copies of the operating system to try.

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Unfortunately, many of us have OEM copies that we have to deal with. And Dell isn't exactly an off-the-wall vendor. Please please test Retrospect to make it work with Dell.


Between this issue and the almost unusable Vista disaster recovery situation (must restore with EXACLTY the same level of patches as when backed up!!! ????) makes this product unusable currently for me.


I have an idea.... How about making it be able to create a bootable DVD-R image???!!! That would leave plenty of space.

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Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? I also have a Dell running XP Media center. I was able to make a DR disc using the OEM disc and Retrospect version 7.0 but now I get the same error messages that have been reported here. I tried removing RDU.rpx did not help me either.

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  • 1 month later...

I also have seen this problem. I think that I may have discovered part of the problem or trigger for it. However I do not have a solution.


If you look carefully at the error messages, you may notice that occasionally the same dll file is named multiple times. I.E. mscrt, mfc42, atl, comctl32, msvcp60.dll etc. If you perform a file search for the files listed in the error -- there is a pattern!!


The number of errors for each of the files listed by retrospect will match the corresponding number of files found in the windows root directory (i.e. C:\windows) but under the subdirectory WinSxS --AND-- for a select major versions of the library. Really confusing - but case in point is the comctl32.dll, on daughters laptop - it is listed as FOUR errors by retrospect. A search of the hard drive finds TWELVE occurances - BUT in many very different directories. However there are only FOUR entries in the C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.xxxxxxxx


When I looked at the other files -- same thing. I am guessing that retrospect is running into a limit on the path length somewhere and it is truncating the filename at the .xxxxxxxx above instead of including the additional 16+ characters that would make each of the files unique. So retrospect than thinks the files is exactly the same and gets confused.


The WinSxs is the directory that handles the assemblies for many different installed software applications. As such the full filename can be quite long. New updates and patches by MS often add a "build" number after the basic version number of the file.... that "build" is what perhaps is being truncated. Causing Retrospect to think the files are identical.


I am hoping that someone from EMC can check and verify this is what is happening.


FWIW, this doesn't make much difference which version of WinXP, etc that you are on. This particular laptop was on WinXP SP2, using latest (May 2008) Retrospect updates didn't help, moving to WinXP SP3 doesn't help. Either.


It also appears that the extra assemplies are added to WinSxS when you install applications like PhotoShop, or the additional language packs for Office 2003. (I.E. laptop has spanish, german, japanese, etc... also installed.)


Meanwhile my daughters laptop is awaiting service by Dell and I can not use Retrospect to create recovery CD's....

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  • 4 weeks later...

This thread (-1132 Trying to Create)has been going on for nearly a year. Lots of people with similar problems. But no real resolution or hint of fix either the forum or the knowledge base. Any idea of what the priority EMC might be placing on this?


FWIW, like many others I also am using Dell with the OEM CD... and prior to February 2008 it wasn't a problem. I know the recovery disk creation and restore works because I have used it with the Dell previously.


The WINNT path that has been mentioned really isn't anything unusual... during the install process MS asks the user where to install and many of us install into directories other than the straight windows directory. Several reasons why -- one of which worms and viruses often are hard coded for C:\windows instead of using %windir% for the path.


I also believe that when you discover the cause of this problem you may also find out why the ISO image is growing larger than 680MB. My guess is lots of stuff being placed into WinSxS and that is causing the ISO to grow... plus causing pathname problems, etc...


In any case - one year is a little long -- without being able to create a recovery CD, and for several of my family laptops the decision to continue and wait for with Retrospect to be fix or move on to another vendor for backup and recovery is quickly approaching.


Since I also have an exchange server... this implies a more wide spread change. So I really hope someone on the retrospect crew is really looking into the problem.

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