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DR .iso to DVD (not CD)


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Excuse my ignorance... but isn't it the same whether a disc image is burned to a CD-R or a DVD-R? Can Windows not boot to a DVD-R?




Possible causes for the ISO image becoming too large:


1) I386 Folder is too large – this can happen if you are using a non-Microsoft Windows Installation CD such as an OEM Installer. Always use a Microsoft Windows Installer CD.


2) Check the Windows Driver Folder to see if you have installed Drivers that are abnormally large.


3) Check the Retrospect Application Folder. If there are any large files that don’t really belong there (such as Catalog files) they will be copied to the DR CD. Remove any unnecessary files from this Folder before attempting to create the DR CD.


4) Check the Retrospect Config Folder. If there are any files that don’t really belong there (such as config files from previous versions of the program) they will be copied to the DR CD. Remove any unnecessary files from this Folder before attempting to create the DR CD.



What should I do if #1 is the problem... buy a non-OEM Windows CD?


What should I do if #2 is the problem... delete the drivers that are big?


Also.. where is the (#4) 'Retrospect Config' Folder?


Thanks for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sentiments exactly! I've been battling for almost a week with a 779MB image... which I've now burned to a DVD. How does one get the PC to boot from the ISO image, does one have to add additional files? At present I get a 'No system Disc' error when trying to boot from the DVD image.

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The following is based on my inspection of the DR .iso file created by Retrospect Express. It's reasonable to assume it is also true for Professional.


For some reason the .iso file contains 3(!) copies of each driver on the system. As you add devices the number of drivers grows until eventually the .iso file exceeds the maximum allowable size for CD's.


You could reduce the .iso file size by using a .iso file editor to remove some of the redundant driver files. If only you knew which really WERE redundant and which were required for a successful system restore.


With all the pressures on the support team I despair of ever getting this fixed.

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There is one very useful free utility called nLite. I wander nobody mentioned it here yet. Just Google for it. It lets you modify windows installation disk. Things like adding/deleting components and drivers, changing various parameters and removing annoying things like tour, etc. In case of Retrospect, you can shrink your windows install down to about 150 meg or less by removing the compnents you don't need for recovery. Then you use the resulting directory to create Retrospect recovery disk. In my case the Retrospect RD ISO is only 370 meg.

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  • 1 month later...


DVD is not supported.




At first I was completely frustrated by this answer, and it seemed like I wouldn't be using Retrospect for my company's backup solution since our recovery disk iso wouldn't fit on a CD-R either.


Then I realized that "supported" and "possible" are two very different things. I'm guessing it is just beyond the scope of the Retrospect support team to field these answers. Think of the complications: is the computer DVD boot capable; which 3rd party software are you going to use to create the DVD and in what mode; etc etc.


I've made a DVD recovery disk, and it seems to work. Frustration receeding.

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