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Cannot use Immediate file backup set w bup server script


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I have a W98 Peer network of 5 clients plus a "Server". I have completed immediate backups of all client PCs & I am now attempting to implement a daily backup server script for each client to backed up daily.




I am concentrating on 1 machine until I sort out the issues.




When I locate the backup set using explorer it shows a negative file size of


-146732044 bytes when in actual fact it is around 4 gig.




I attempted to repair it & I receive a msg that I do not have permission to open this file.




The manual appears to indicate that backup sets can be manipulated by exploreer.




My strategy is to use the immediate file backup set in the backup server script.




When I do this I get a waiting for media msg yet all computers are fully functional & on line


Any suggestions greatful




John Land

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