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clients, cant find

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I just installed Retrospect Desktop Edition V5.6.132. I can backup my win2k machine. I installed 3 clients. They are on a win2k machine, a win98 machine, and a winME machine. I go to the Configure tab and click Clients. I click Add and get the Live Network window. In that window there is a message, “Searching for backup clients… Nothing happens, the window and message stay the same. After five minutes of nothing, I click the test button. I key in the IP address of any of the three clients and up a “Found a backup client:” window showing the just typed IP address, the name of that computer, and the version of the Retrospect Client, 5.6.112. I click the okay button and still the Live Network window says “Searching for backup clients…




Under the License Manager it shows that I have a 5-pack license and it shows my license code. The four computers are connected using a Balkin 5-Port 10/100 Network Switch. File sharing works fine. I also use Internet Sharing using a Satellite. That works fine too.




What am I missing here? How do I add clients?



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There is only one network card in each computer.


There are no laptops.


The main machine has a TCP/IP USB connection to the Internet via satellite.


I temporarily disabled the USB network and like magic all the clients appeared in the Live Network window.









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  • 2 years later...

I am having a similar problem. Here are my details:


Retrospect 6.5.343 running on Windows XP

Retrospect client 6.5 running on RedHat Linux 9.0


Attempting to add a client brings up a window:

Live Network

Clients by Piton Name Service using multicast...

Searching for backup clients...


It never finds any clients. Clicking "Test..." and entering the IP address of the client immediately shows "Found a backup client:" with the client information.


Some more detail on the multicast search: The Ethereal LAN protocol analyzer shows that Retrospect is sending a burst of 5 requests to IP address port 497 every 10 seconds. Now here's the really interesting part: In the middle of this burst (usually between the third and fourth packet) a response is received from the client!


It is EXTREMELY frustrating that Retrospect can talk to the client just fine but the lack of a way to enter the client information manually combined with a broken multicast mechanism prevents me from using the client.


Does anyone know how Retrospect stores the client information? It would be great if I could manually enter the client information into the registry or a file.




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