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error 519


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I have been trying to resolve a 519 error while trying to backup another server from the retrospect machine.




Sometimes the backup works, sometimes not.




I would like to know whether disk space on the retrospect machine could be a factor in this (thinking that maybe it transfers a snapshot to the local machine of whatever it is backing up before actually backing it up).





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Retrospect doesn't transfer the snapshots to the local machine, so limited disk space on the computer running the application is unlikely to cause an error -519.




If the computer that you are backing up is running low on disk space, there's a possibility that the disk is highly fragmented. Disk fragmentation slows access to data and can cause a -519, but it's not the first factor I'd be likely to suspect.




Have you gone through some of the other troubleshooting in the -519 Tech Note?




Irena Solomon


Dantz Tech Support

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  • 3 weeks later...

continuing to try and work out this issue.




I have gone through all the steps (besides reinstall the OS ;p) as mentioned in the technote and am still getting the error.




The retrospect volume that the retrospect is failing to backup is a spanned volume comprising of 3 ntfs volumes.




I am considering using ntbackup and copying the contents of the volume to another drive, nuking those volumes and then recreating (and hoping i don't hit the 8gig limit that was in nt4).




any ideas or suggestions?









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Does the client volume ever freeze during backup? Does the failure happen on specific files each time?




Have you tried a crossover ethernet cable to help isolate the network as a cause.




If you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on that computer, can Retrospect back it up without the 519 error?

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Does the client volume ever freeze during backup? Does the failure happen on specific files each time?




computer is running fine and the users report no problems accessing the volumes.




Have you tried a crossover ethernet cable to help isolate the network as a cause.








If you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on that computer, can Retrospect back it up without the 519 error?




haven't tried that, though other volumes on the same machine backup successfully.

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