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Searching old storage sets fails: Assertion check at "elem.c-918"

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Searching storage sets created with versions of Restrospect prior to 6.0 always results with:


Trouble in Retrospect


Internal consistency check failed:

Assertion check at "elem.c-918"


Is there a way to convert an older storage set to a version 6.0 storage set without transferring all the files to new tapes?

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Retrospect lists three devices though I only use two, they are:


Sony AIT1 Turbo DC, Firewire-A

DLT 20.0 DC, Firewire-A

Phillips DVD DL, Firewire-A


I am running OSX 10.4.5, Retrospect 6.1.126 with RDU


These tapes were created in 2001 so I expect we were using version 2 or 3 of Retrospect and OS8. They were written to the DLT drive.


I've also attempted to search storage sets created in Retrospect 4 with the same results. The error occurs during the search, before the tape is ever involved.


I began to do a transfer and was able to get to the point where it asked for a new tape (past the search part). When I realized I was going to have to transfer 125GB to new tapes, I stopped. I have about 20 of these storage sets in all.


I had the same problem with Retrospect 6.0 on a different system (OSX 10.3.9) but I also had version 5.1 on that system and was able to launch it instead and search my storage sets fine. I don't have that option now.

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I missed one point, sorry.




I have not tried to rebuild the catalog. I assume you mean create a new catalog from the tapes. I believe that would take involve a few too many hours (or days) and would prefer to avoid it if possible.

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Unfortunately I don't have time to do a lot of testing on this. I'd hoped there was an easy solution. I have managed to restore my file in this case by using the "Restore files from a backup" option instead of the "Search for files and folders" option. Since I've had the problem on two different operating systems with two different versions of Retrospect on multiple storage sets, I expected it to be a common problem. I will have to revisit this at a later date.


Thanks for your help!

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I would be glad to upload my file for testing. I'm having the same problem.

This is a storage set created under Mac OS 9 from a DAT drive. I've tried to rebuild the set but a computer crash stopped it. (Unrelated to retrospect) I attempted it again last night but retrospect wouldn't recognize the first DAT tape.

The backup copy transfer function seemed interesting but I get the error message as before.

Unfortunately this set is 33 mb, someone elses bright idea to do nightly backups for over four years onto the same backup set.

A rebuild, even if it starts to recognize the tapes, will be daunting. I've 88 of them.

Let me know

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