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Optical Drive Support?

Guest jenetic

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Guest jenetic



I gave up on Retrospect 8.1 a year ago so I've been away for a while and was unable to find this for sure on the website. Now that we're up to Retrospect 8.2, is optical support finally working? If so, where is the list of supported devices? Or better yet, can someone tell me if it works with dvd DL disks in a mac pro 2.66 Quad-Core (late 2009/early 2010 model) with the standard super drive that shipped with this cpu? I'm currently running os x 10.6.3.


Second, if I do decide to backup to hard drive instead, I assume I don't need to dedicate an entire drive as the media set? I realize that ultimately that's what I would want to do but it's not practical for me at the moment. I'd like to use a drive I already have other data on. I just want to make sure retropsect isn't going to take over the whole drive and erase what's already on there.


Any help appreciated.



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You don't backup to a hard drive. You always backup to a "media set". This "media set" can have hard drives, tapes or optical discs as "members".


If you create a "Disk Media Set", then Retrospect will not erase or write over any files on the hard drive.

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Guest jenetic

You don't backup to a hard drive. You always backup to a "media set". This "media set" can have hard drives, tapes or optical discs as "members".


If you create a "Disk Media Set", then Retrospect will not erase or write over any files on the hard drive.


I know it's a media set. I've been using Retrospect since 2000 but always with removable media and I wasn't sure how it handles hard drives. I just wanted to make sure I could designate a space on a drive for the media set and that retro wouldn't require use/control of the whole drive.




Can anyone comment on the optical situation?

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Optical support in version 8 is still disabled and can be used if you unable it in the .ini file, but new devices have been added to the support device list for a pretty long time. We have to perform major changes to how the program works with optical before we re-enable the option.


Backup to hard disk does not require you to dedicate the entire disk to backup.

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Guest jenetic

Optical support in version 8 is still disabled and can be used if you unable it in the .ini file, but new devices have been added to the support device list for a pretty long time. We have to perform major changes to how the program works with optical before we re-enable the option.


Backup to hard disk does not require you to dedicate the entire disk to backup.



Thank you. I assume you meant "new devices have" NOT "been added to the support device list for a pretty long time." ?


I thought maybe in 8.2 it might have been fixed but not yet, I guess. Also, how long is a long time? My machine is already 1.5 yrs old. I would think there would be support for the opt drive that shipped with it by now. There isn't though, correct?


EDITED to add:


According to this thread here http://forums.dantz.com/showtopic.php?tid/34050/ my drive (HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH41N) is now recognized in 8.2. I know optical ships disabled but now that it will at least recognize my drive does that mean that it's qualified, supported or use at your own risk?



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Guest jenetic

Sorry - two other things which maybe should be in a new thread.


Is the RDU still necessary? It doesn't seem to be part of the installer package. I have an rdu from v8.1 but don't know if I need it.


If I'm not backing up over a network but only locally on the Retrospect Server, I do not need to install the client software on the server, right?


Thanks again.

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Is the RDU still necessary? It doesn't seem to be part of the installer package. I have an rdu from v8.1 but don't know if I need it.

There have been no RDUs issued for 8.2 as of this date. Don't use the RDU from 8.1


If I'm not backing up over a network but only locally on the Retrospect Server, I do not need to install the client software on the server, right?


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If I'm not backing up over a network but only locally on the Retrospect Server, I do not need to install the client software on the server, right?


Unless you are also running Retrospect on an entirely different host computer that points back to this computer, you never ever have to install the Client software on the machine hosting the Engine.

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  • 5 months later...



The original problem posted in this thread, regarding Optical Drive Support in Retrospect 8.2.0 (399) on a Mac Server running v10.6.8, is the optical device supported now? If so, how is this fixed in v8.2.0? Reading the manual, there's suppose to be a green light beside the Media Set for the Optical device. Mine is currently grayed-out.


When I run a Backup Activity to the optical, I get a flashing black panel with a question mark (see screenshot-1.jpg). There's nothing in the log panel or in View > Log explaining the error in more details. The e-mail states "Script Backup Assistant - 11-11-08 11:34 AM (Tarja's Daily Backup): waiting for media"


When I'm trying to run the Backup, the burner drive in Media Set is showing as Busy (see screenshot-2.jpg).


If I go to "Add Member" by double-clicking the Dvd Burner, all I get is "An error occurred" (see screenshot-3.jpg).


Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.


Thank you.





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Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.

The instructions from the Knowledgebase begin as follows:

To use an optical drive with Retrospect 8, you will need to open the following file with a text editor (such as TextEdit):


/Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetrospectEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/retro.ini

Change the DisableOpticalDrivers setting from 1 to 0. Save the retro.ini file and use the Retrospect System Preferences pane to stop and restart the Retrospect engine. Note that Retrospect may not be able to see an optical drive that has been captured for use by VMware Fusion or Parallels.


The full text is available here.

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Hi Twickland,


I followed your instructions and the full instructions outlined here: http://kb.roxio.com/search.aspx?URL=/content/000025RT&PARAMS=set-locale=en


When I run the Optical Configurator on the Mac Super Drive, it finishes and states it ran successfully configuring a blank DVD-R, a blank DVD+R, and a blank CD-R for the device (see screenshot-4.jpg)


However, it still does not work to backup to the Optical device.



Any other ideas?



I also tried hooking up an external Lacie drive up to the server via Firewire and I get the following error in the Summary window when I run the Optical Configurator: "Retrospect was unable to configure this drive with the inserted DVD-R media. Please insert a disc or media type (e.g. CD-R, DVD+R).


My problem is also the same problem reported here: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.retrospect.general/630




Anyone getting stuck on getting to the retro.ini file at /RetrospectEngine.bundle, should follow this: http://kb.roxio.com/search.aspx?URL=/content/000011RT&PARAMS=set-locale=en


Anyone not familiar with the Retrospect System Preferences pane, you get it by going to: Apple Icon > System Preferences... > In Other

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Guest jschaffe

I enabled optical support and seem to have created a custom driver for my iMac optical drive, but the disclosure triangle does not appear next to the entry in Storage devices.


Any suggestions?

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