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Running Retrospect 7.5 server as a service in Windows XP/2003?

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(Not)Helpful info - hooray for the search button smile.gif


I have been running tests of automated backups with retro closed and the server logged on (works), as well as just having the server logged off (doesn't work).


One would have thought as an Enterprise/Business product, a server would not have to be logged on to run a backup program.


PLEASE EMC can you add this functionality so a server running Retrospect does not have to be logged on to run tasks (ie sitting at ctrl-alt-del logon box)

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I absolutely agree.

I have been thrown in to using Retrospect at a client's site.

I usually use BackupExec. I think this is Retrospect’s biggest short coming.

It is scary that you have to have an open RDP session in order to view the status of an ongoing execution. In addition I find the email notifications next to useless.

More information needs to be included in the email notifications. especially in the event of failures.

Any enterprise class software should aspire to make the IT staffs job easier.

Although jobs are sometimes scarce these days I don't want the administration of my backup software to become a full time position. smile.gif


-Ryan Biddle-

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