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Error 645, Chunk file damaged during save


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I have been geting an Error 645, chunk file damaged durning save when I try to back up files on my main HD. I can back up my NAS and the wife's laptop with no problems. I tried just baking up my desktop with the same error when I tried to preview the backup. Here is what I have tried:


Updated Retrospect to latest version (as of today).

Scandisk/repair my HD.

Recataloged my backup set.

Verified my backup set.

Deleted my backup set from my HD, used the recatalog command to recreate the catalog file.


So far nothing has worked. The problem only seems to happen when I backup files on the hard drive where Retrospect is running. This started about the June 24th.


Any suggestions?





David Witteried

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Hi David,


Where is the catalog file for this backup set being stored? Are you backing up your computer, your wife's computer, and your NAS volume to the same backup set?


I think I'm clear on this, but I just want to be positive - the only time this error occurs is when the source for backup is your local hard drive, the one Retrospect is installed on, right?

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Yes everything is backed up using the same backup set. I have a removable HD which I back up to. My data and operating system are stored on a seperate RAID 0 array on the same machine (i.e. subject computer).


I am performing Disk backups with grooming.

Back ups from all other sources seem to work ok.

I have also verified my media and it checks ok.


Properties of the Backup Set: 61.1 GB Used (of 71.6 GB) for 16,492 files; 1 member in use, 46 sessions, 22 snapshots.


The error ONLY occures when I try to back up ANY files on the subject computer. I can trigger the error by starting a backup operation and click on the Preview button. The preview does not get displayed and the error occurs as the files are scanned. I tried rebuilding my catalog from the Disk, but still get the same error.


I am going to change the HD for my off site disk and do a new media or recycle back up tommarow and see if that helps.





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I cleared my logs and tried running a backup script against the Documents and Settings folders. Here is what I got:


Event Type: Information

Event Source: Retrospect

Event Category: None

Event ID: 2

Date: 7/3/2006

Time: 8:42:04 PM

User: DESKTOP\David

Computer: DESKTOP


From Retrospect: Script "Data with Snapshop" failed during automatic execution, error -645 (chunk file damaged during save). Please launch Retrospect and check the log for details.


***************************** And...


Event Type: Error

Event Source: Retrospect

Event Category: None

Event ID: 1

Date: 7/3/2006

Time: 8:42:06 PM

User: DESKTOP\David

Computer: DESKTOP


Script "Data with Snapshop" incomplete



Nothing else appeared in the System or Security areas of the log files. I then ran a script for my photos directory on my NAS, and it executed ok with no messages in the Application log.



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New info. I changed my backup media and created a new backup set. I still get the error. I then tried having the catelog file save to my NAS, but still get the same error. I think I will uninstall retrospect and reinstall it. Maybe it was a bad patch.

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Ok... how do you uninstall retrospect. When I reinstall the software it still has my complete history and other settings. I have tried cleaning the registry and deleting all retrospect folders that I can find. Still get the error after reinstalling! This is getting very frustrating!

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Found solution at Tech Note 307.


Deleating all of the files and folders in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect" seems to have fixed the problem. I will try restoring these files from a backup point prior to the problem beginning.

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