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Retrospect 7.5.285 email subject corrupted


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Hi folks,


With the recent upgrade to 7.5.285, retrospect emails now have a corrupted (or incorrect codebase) problem. e.g. the emails subject is now:



Subject: =?utf-7?B?UmV0cm9zcGVjdCBub3RpZmljYXRpb24gZnJvbSBLQVJMU0JFQVNUICgyOC8wNi8yMDA2KQ==?=



The rest of the email is fine.


Any ideas?



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I sent a test email to my Gmail account with the same results. The subject wasn't exactly the same, but I don't expect that to be of particular importance. I also tried sending an email to my Exchange box, and the subject line still displays normally in Outlook.


I was trying to get KMail to work with my Gmail account, but that refuses to connect for some reason. However, after forwarding the message from Gmail back to an Exchange account, reading the message with Outlook still renders the subject line correctly.


So it looks like there is a problem with Gmail correctly displaying UTF-7 based messages (the beginning of the subject line specifies UTF-7 encoding). I think we'll have to wait and see what the official word is from EMC.

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Foster is correct the email subject line is now UTF-7 encoded. In order to fully support sending emails from Retrospect that contain high-bit characters (i.e. from a KO and Chinese OS).


If the email client or webmail (Gmail in this instance) does not translate it properly then it will display the "junk" text:


"Subject: =?utf-7?B?UmV0cm9zcGVjdCBub3RpZmljYXRpb24gZnJvbSBLQVJMU0JFQVNUICgyOC8wNi8yMDA2KQ==?="


just as 1ka saw on his Gmail account.


Outlook does translate this properly and thus shows the subject line correctly. We anticipate that Gmail will eventually correct this in the future.

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Found on the web -> http://simosx.livejournal.com/



Yahoo! Mail has a similar problem, found in the subject line only.


Oh, Hotmail is still struggling with making their service UTF-8 capable...


This GMail issue has been reported in early December 2004 and carries the id #17701124.





Since Google (GMail) appear to be in no hurry to correct this, can we selectively disable this 'feature' in Retrospect and go back to what it was? Perhaps this can be added as an option in the next update?


A good overview of UTF-7 in email subject field is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME#Encoded-Word

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I also saw this happen on my Gmail account as of 7.5.285. Since the message also is sent to my mac.com account, I checked there. The UTF-7 subject also fails to display properly. HOWEVER, this forwards to my comcast.net account, and it reads properly in the browser mail reader.


BUT, there is also a strange change in the message I receive. Sample text is:


Script: Laptops DDT

Date: 7/5/2006

Script +ACI-Laptops DDT+ACI- completed with 13 errors


The text "+ACI-" surrounding the "Laptops DDT" is added and I don't know why it is there.


EMC/Insignia should really document these changes better. The release notes mentioned nothing as far as I can tell about changes in the email format, and there should be a way to turn this "mis-feature" off.


Ed Bolson


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