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Version 4.1 and OS 9.2

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  • 2 months later...

Is it just me, or is there no way to get to the above URL via links from Dantz's main page? I'm happy to have found the link here, as it eliminates (or should eliminate, 13 MB takes a bit to download) that pesky Set Clock bug in 4.1. And, making this link available would actually take care of those complaints (mostly) from folks who were complaining about the Set Clock thing in 4.1.




I actually came here looking for info on a different issue, but this is a nice serendipity.



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Actually, this update had been replaced by the 5.0 update. After offering the free update from 4.1 for almost 2 years, the 4.3 update is no longer available.




We are actually working on a patch for 4.x users that are seeing the clock problem. This will be a free patch to your existing software, and should be available in the newt few weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

The link to this update appears not to be working.




Clicking on the link produces the message: "Not Found. The requested URL //ftp.dantz.com/pub/updates/retro_clock_update.sit was not found on this server."




Entering the address into my browser produces the message: "retro_clock_update.sit: No such file or directory."




Can you tell me if there's any other way to get hold of this update?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, our currently shipping version is Retrospect 5.0. We are no longer distributing older versions of the software. There have been no paid upgrades for Retrospect / Macintosh in over 4 years. In order to actually stay in business, we made the decision to charge for our current release. Our current shipping version is Retrospect 5.0, which is what we are distributing, and customers are paying for.




While we are not distributing free upgrades to older versions of the program, we did release a patch for the 4.1 version to fix the expiration issue.

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If I purchase Retrospect Desktop 5.0 for the Mac, and have three clients already installed with a 4.x version of the client (2 Macs and 1 PC), do I have to buy 5.0 Client licenses, even though 4.x clients will work fine with Retrospect Desktop 5 (and the only reason to buy the Client upgrades is that Desktop 5 demands you pay an additional $90 for clients in order to actually upgrade the system to 5.0)?




This would be unfortunate, because the functionality I need (more-than-2GB backup files to hard drives) is supplied in 4.3, which is no longer available as a free upgrade.

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Whoops! I spoke too soon. IrenaS's earlier posted link actually does provide access to the 4.1/4.2 to 4.3 updater, which I have since obtained. I apologize for misunderstanding AmyC's mildly confusing message -- I thought she was saying that Dantz was no longer offering a free update to 4.3, though I guess she thought I was whining about 5.0 being a paid upgrade and was actually explaining why Dantz was charging for that (as is obviously their right -- Retrospect is good software). Sorry 'bout that.

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