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Recyle Backups Never Execute


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I've been using Retrospect since September, running a five-day rotation. The incremental backups usually execute, but the scheduled recycle backups have never executed once!


Instead, the backup stalls at the very start of the operation, by asking for the tape that is in the tape drive. I've tried ejecting and reinserting the tape. Retrospect recognizes the tape, by name, but then asks for the same tape, by the same name!


A sample message from today is, "Please select a new tape. It will be named '1-Wednesday A.'" Even though the tape in the tape drive *is* "1-Wednesday A."


I can erase this tape, and Retrospect will go head and rename it 1-Wednesday A and perform the backup. But there are two problems with this.


First, obviously, I bought this software on the strength of its automation features. I want this to run by itself overnight, unattended and without my intervention required. That is what the manual says is supposed to happen. Why won't it work that way?


Second, I've done this to some tapes and now Retrospect won't recognize them for incremental backups. I guess it must think there is another tape by the same name that it needs.


What should I do? I need to be able to recycle and reuse these tapes--they aren't cheap. At the rate I am going soon Retrospect will refuse to back up anything at all.


FWIW: I am backing up a Win 95 network to a VXA-2 tape drive.


Grateful for any response, thanks!


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I have the same problem and I had that option enabled!

For no reason, that option just removed itself this week. I re-enabled it and we'll see in the coming days.


I guess the preferences gets corrupted sometimes and I have seen another problem with the prefs not saving the number of concurrent executions and always reverting to 1.


I hope Dantz will correct this problem soon.


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