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Disaster Recovery error


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I am trying to test the Disaster Recovery CD Retrospect created. I am getting an error during the windows install saying:

Setup cannot copy the file: x86_mi~3.cat

To retry, press ENTER.


If you are installing from a CD, make sure the Windows XP CD is in the CD-ROM drive.


To skip this file, press ESC.


Caution: If you skip this file, Setup may not complete and Windows XP may not work properly.


To quit Setup, press F3


I created the Disaster Recovery cd in Retrospect ver. 6.0. I removed the hard drive and installed a new hard drive. After booting to the

Disaster Recovery CD the first thing it asked me for was the XP install CD. I put in the XP CD. It asked me to create a partiton and I did.

It started copying files and stopped with this error.


What do I need to do to fix this?


Thank you,



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I have discovered the files that XP can't copy are not on the XP Pro install CD from Microsoft. They are on the Disaster Recovery CD.

When I boot from the Disaster Recovery CD it starts with a Windows Setup screen. (Which is what I expect so it can install a mimimum

OS to run from) It stops on a screen that says:


Please insert the disk labeled

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 CD

into Drive A:

* Press Enter when ready.


I don't have an SP1 CD that will fit in drive A: so I put the original XP Pro Install CD that includes SP1 in the CD drive. Then I get the errors.

What am I doing wrong?


Thank you,




PS: This Disaster Recovery CD was created from XP Pro with SP1 installed.

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I have been doing a bunch of testing trying to figure out why the Disaster Recovery CD isn't working. I have tried swaping the XP Install CD

with the Disaster Recovery CD when it comes up with an error saying it can't copy a file. I have swapped the two cd's many times to get it

to continue. After it is done giving me the error that it can't copy files it comes up with another error saying:

"Line 0 of hivertr.inf is corrupted. Setup cannot continue.

To quit Setup, press F3."


That's the only option I get. It looks to me like no one has ever tested the Disaster Recovery CD with XP Pro SP1. Otherwise the correct

files should be on the Disaster Recovery CD and I shouldn't need the XP Installation CD to recover.


Thank you,



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