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When in heaven will you rise the backup set limit form 1 TB to more?

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This addresses the dantz officials!


This limit is from first dantz days around 1990…


Today it´s not enouth anymore…


And i´m juggling around with dozends of backup sets.


Retrospect is a good product, but please look at the pro users, we won´t use "alligator", we love retrospect!



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You are right. The 1 TB limit is a serious issue that needs to be fixed. Everyone at Dantz is aware of it, but unfortunatly the fix is not any easy one to make. frown.gif It is very high on our Macintosh priority list, but making this change is going to take some time.


Retrospect for Windows does not have a 1 TB limit. If you have a need to work around this limit, you can use Retrospect for Windows to back up all Macs on a network, and avoid this limitation while we work on fixing the Mac version.

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Hmmm...not quite the answer I was hoping for.


The 1Tb limit is costing us thousands of dollars.

We are a Mac-only post-production facility with a shared library of files which each editor has access to. The library has to be added to each editor's backup set to reduce backup times during the busy periods. This means each storage set is almost half full before we even start to backup files from an individual's workstation. (This costs about $1000US in tape stock for EACH storage set before we even start backing up new material.)

It would be good to know that all editors can be backed up to the same set so I don't have to keep duplicating media in each set.


I know it's high on your Mac priority list but would you please be able to give me a rough time estimate of when this major flaw will be remedied. I love Retrospect but am having to seriously look at other options because of this one issue.

I don't fancy having to manually redo all of my scripts and selectors on a new windows machine (not to mention having to have two backup machines to deal with both windows and mac tapes).


It just seems a huge waste.


Sorry for the rant - I just feel annoyed that this otherwise flawless solution has this single crippling factor. I didn't really come here to vent. crazy.gif



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Since you gave a time estimate on that (and that sound suspiciously like a comment that would imply a "6.0" product upgrade as opposed to a "bug fix" release), can you give any estimates that indicate there will be another "bug fix" updater to the Mac OSX 5.0 version between now and then?


Just curious...


(Well, what I'm *most* curious about is if Dantz resources are currently focusing on the Windows beta test and not on the Mac OSX update!) tongue.gif

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Dantz is deeply in development on a new version for the Macintosh, which includes some great new features. Just because we are developing Windows software, it does not mean we have forgotten about the Macintosh users.


Because of the huge project involved in lifting the 1TB limit, that feature will not be in our next release.

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So -- if you can say -- for the Mac, does this mean that the next release will be a free "bug fix" updater (ie, 5.0.xxx)?


or another "full product" release (ie 5.5)?



And is there any time frame for this? If it's greater than 6 months for the product release that would fix the 1TB issue, does that mean less than six months for the upcoming bug-fix/full product release?


If less, how much less?


(I need my Windows-clients-kill-Mac-Retrospect crashing bug fixed and can't wait!) ;-)

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That's good news. Now, I appreciate that you almost certainly can't respond with any details, or say very much at all. But we can all dream, so...


  1. I want to be able to read my old backup sets
  2. I don't care if I can't append to old backup sets. I.e., if I have to start all new backup sets with a new version
  3. I don't mind if RE and Retrospect Server only run under Mac OS X
  4. I do need support for Mac OS ?9 clients
  5. I don't mind if the user interface changes?possibly quite radically?just so long as I can convert my old scripts to the new format
  6. I want to be able to create and boot from a Retrospect rescue CD under Mac OS X.
  7. ...which must then be able to restore from any media, including Internet
  8. I want support for all optical drives shipped by Apple as part of a standard package
  9. ...at reasonable writing speed

Cue "I want it all, and I want it now!", and I want it for free smirk.gif

If you can disappoint me, delight me, or enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks anyway.

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