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MultiServer 6.5 Can No Longer See Devices


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I've been running Retrospect MS 6.5 under Windows Server 2003 for some time. My backup library is a PowerVault 130T with 4 Quantum DLT7000 drives. Everything was ok until I recently replaced the SCSI card with a fiber host adapter.


My new system uses fiber to drive a Compaq MDR which serves as a bridge to the DLT drives and library. However, Retrospect can no longer see the library or drives. They show up in Device Manager and other applications can see and access them without problem. I tried swapping the MDR for a PowerVault 35F (similar fiber/SCSI bridge) with the same results. What am I missing?


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I installed v7.7 and can now see the four DLT drives but it still doesn't see the library/media changer. I'm going to try uninstalling/re-installing and see if that buys me anything. Amazing that I have to upgrade to take advantage of what is long obsolete equipment.


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With v7.7 installed I can see the DLT drives but the media changer (PowerVault 130T) shows up in 'environment' but not in 'status'. Everything shows up fine in Windows Device Manager. So how do I get the PV130T to become active/usable? The same system came up correctly in v6.5 when I was using the Adaptec HVD SCSI card as the interface. Why all the problems using a fiber channel?


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No. That doesn't work. When the devices are disabled they no longer appear to Retrospect through NT Passthrough.


I can see the PowerVault 130T in environment although it lists as device busy and doesn't come up by name. I am truly baffled by this. I've tried everything I can think of.

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