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Can't turn off Wake on Lan!


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I tried turning off the Wake-On-LAN feature this morning for all the clients.

Reading logs this night, I see that it is still blasting WOL packets.

Log in to retrospect, and the WOL checkbox is still checked for all my clients. I un-check the box, but it just won't take. As soon as I navigate away from a client and re-select it, the WOL box is checked again. If I'm persistent, I can get the WOL box to stay un-checked, but if I quit retrospect console and re-start it, they are all checked again!!


So how do I turn off Wake On LAN??

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Argh -- is this still a bug? I reported this one many months ago (like 8-9 months ago).


I believe the only option is to restore a backup of your "config80.dat" file from *before* your turn WOL on and put that into service.


I thought they had fixed this, but since I wasn't going to use WOL, I never tracked the bug number after reporting this one...

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