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Dual Drive Tape Library


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I have the following setup:


Apple Mac xServe - 2 x 2.66Ghz Dual Core / 3Gb RAM

Mac OSX 10.5.8


Retrospect 8.1


Overland Neo 2000 Dual LTO-3 Drive


I have installed the Single Server Unlimited Client version of Retrospect 8 on to the xServe. The software worked fine initially, although i had to drop the sync speed of the SCSI card as i was loosing connection to the library. I could see and use both drives. Then one day Retrospect failed to connect to the server - I needed to disconnect one of the drives to get the software to reconnect. The tape library and drives are ok.


Do i need an additional plug in to get the 2 drives to work? Surely this would not cause the software to fail to connect to the server?


Any help is appreciated.

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David, I had a working, semi-reliable system when I had one drive connected and 1/2 of my 48 slot library configured. After I connected the second drive and changed the configuration to 48 slots the system has been unable to write to multiple tapes for the last month, it errors out after it fills the first tape in the media set. Unless you have the Advanced Tape Support add-on I would be very cautious about connecting two at the same time.


622 crashes without logging an error in Activities


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