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I have been stuck with a 6 yr old tape catalog spanning 40+ tapes. The backup station is being retired, and a 10.5 machine is taking over.


The catalog history is locked (pre 5.0 error) but it is required that we can append the backups to this group.


I remember there was a solution for updating this that did NOT require a catalog rebuild from the source, ie. I'm not going to hand feed 40+ tapes.


Since this is a new installation under a new license, I'm expecting some kind of help here.


Kind Regards,

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I have been stuck with a 6 yr old tape catalog spanning 40+ tapes. The backup station is being retired, and a 10.5 machine is taking over.


The catalog history is locked (pre 5.0 error) but it is required that we can append the backups to this group.

You can't append backups to that backup set without running a really old version of Retrospect.

Maybe you can "Transfer" the backup set to a new backup set? Try with transferring just the first tape to see if it's at all possible.

Since this is a new installation under a new license, I'm expecting some kind of help here.

This is, in fact, a user to user discussion. This is not "support". :happy:

When you bought the license, you got instructions on how to contact support.

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Thanks for the submission Lennert.


"This is, in fact, a user to user discussion. This is not "support".

When you bought the license, you got instructions on how to contact support. "


Our 'country' is not supported by Retrospect Technical Support, ie. we do not have 'phone numbers' that allows us to call them, My comments were referred to the Moderators, like Dave, who are actually part of the Retrospect Support team (and who we used to be able to contact by phone BEFORE EMC got involved :).






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