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Client upgrade problems with 7.6


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So, I downloaded and installed retrospect 7.6 on both of my windows servers. So far so good. The 7.6 server install included .rcu files for the new mac and PC clients, which I promptly used.


Now none of my clients can be seen from either of the retrospect servers. help!

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Ok so all the PC clients have to have the windows firewall exception re-added. So I still have to go to each machine and re-enable the exception which isn't quite as bad as reinstalling the client.


Why would using the .rcu files cause the windows firewall exception for retrospect to go away?

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Why would using the .rcu files cause the windows firewall exception for retrospect to go away?


It is the Macintosh clients running 10.5 that will need to be re-added to the firewall.


As long as your WIndows firewall has port 497 open for tcp/udp, you should be okay.

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All of these windows-machines had the retrospect client installed before and they had been working, so port 497 was open before I used the .rcu file to update them.


After using the RCU, every single one of them had the retroclient.exe exception in the windows firewall vanish. I am having work-study students painstakingly go to each machine to correct this, but I'm curious why this would happen.


Maybe you guys should warn customers about it? :)

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