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No icon in system tray


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I never see an icon in my system tray. I have Retrospect Professional for Windows. I'm running on Windows Vista.


I have:


1. Installed all available upgrades


2. Confirmed that the Retrospect Launcher service is running


3. Confirmed that in Retrospect the option is set to display the icon in the system tray


4. Checked that I haven't got "Hide inactive icons" set for the Windows taskbar


Still no joy. Can anyone advise?

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So, if the launcher has fired up Retropsect as the system user because there is a scheduled backup to execute and something goes wrong, then how to I see what's going on?


If I launch Retrospect from the program menu I get something to the effect of "Retrospect is already running". It says if I click on okay it will show me cancel the running instance but it can't. It gets stuck.

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Sounds like you have not read this item from the read me either:


Automated Operations: When Retrospect automatically launches on Windows Vista, the application window is hidden. If an operation is running and Retrospect is manually launched an alert is displayed warning that an operation is in progress. You are then able to close the alert and let the operation continue or stop the operation and show the Retrospect window.


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I know that but I cannot close the running session (the dialog) just hangs indefinitely and I cannot see whatever message it is that the program is trying to show me. I have a SYSTEM launched program that is hanging, usually because it's prompting me for some input. The documentation on the icon tray says if that's the case then I can use it to display whatever Retropsect is prompting for. If I haven't got a system icon tray then how can I see what the program has a problem with.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Thanks for the response on this. I just signed up for this forum... and one of the reasons is exactly this problem. (I wish it was the only one) :) You will probably hear more from me soon.


Do you know if this operation be fixed in a new release?



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  • 2 weeks later...



Are you saying that if the back-up starts automatically (based on a schedule) there is no way for me to be able to know what's going on?


I usually have the back-up running in the middle of the night when nobody is using the computer but sometime it is still going when I get to it in the morning and I'd like to know why. (e.g. slow network? big backup size?)


I used Retrospect 6.0 before upgrading and it showed a status windows when running the scheduled back-up.



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Once again, from the Read Me document in the Windows Vista section:


Automated Operations: When Retrospect automatically launches on Windows Vista, the application window is hidden. If an operation is running and Retrospect is manually launched an alert is displayed warning that an operation is in progress. You are then able to close the alert and let the operation continue or stop the operation and show the Retrospect window.


Retrospect Runs as Administrator. You are "joe user". Vista does not let Joe User see what Administrator tasks are doing. Thank Microsoft for making things more complex in Vista

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[...] ability to use flash drives as swap [...]


There is a way (well, a hack) that allows you to fool XP into treating a USB drive as fixed, which will in turn allow you to host your swap file on an external drive. Do a google search for "hitachi microdrive driver" and you'll find the driver itself along with instructions.


You see - now you have no excuse not to switch back to XP ;)

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I have this same problem.

And I can't activate the Taskbar Icon.

I have ProActive Backups active and I'm always afraid to open the Retrospect Console.


How can I solve this problem?


Can you be more specific when you say "same problem"? I have read different things in this thread.


What operating system are you using?


Why would be be "afraid to open the Retrospect Console."? I don't understand.

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