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Intel 10.5.1 retrospect network communication error

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Anyone experience the same thing as mine?


My client's Intel Mac Pro machine just updated to 10.5.1 and I start to get the error 519 during the scanning of the file. My other PPC machines are fine. I tried to reinstall the client software, restarting both client and server machine, using 6.1.138 server and 6.1.127 server, 6.1.109 client and 6.1.130 client.


Is there other thing I can try to make it backup again?

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Hi Mayoff,


Yes, firewalls are off. I am able to connect to the client and do changes like rename client and clock. But when I try to backup the client, I got a net retry at the middle of the scanning and give me the 519 error. It is not the physcial cable problem because I tried to connect the cable to another machine.


I dont have an extra Intel for me to make a fresh 10.5 install for testing.

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My client's Intel Mac Pro machine just updated to 10.5.1 and I start to get the error 519 during the scanning of the file. My other PPC machines are fine. I tried to reinstall the client software, restarting both client and server machine, using 6.1.138 server and 6.1.127 server, 6.1.109 client and 6.1.130 client.



You need to provide a more specific description of your configuration, please.


At the very least, could you make clear if the Intel Mac Pro is the machine running Retrospect, or if it is acting as a client to the machine running Retrospect.

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The Mac Pro that upgraded to OS 10.5.1 is the client machine. It is a Intel Quad 2.66 with 4GB RAM. The server machine is a G4 1.2G PPC machine 2GB RAM with OS 10.4.11. There are around 10 mac in our office and the Mac Pro is the only Intel machine and the rest are power pc. 1 of the power pc is in OS 10.5.1 and the rest are 10.4.11.

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- How long does the NetRetry last?

It scanned around 5-6 mins then went to netry for around 4 min then the error 519 come out.


- What exactly is displayed in the Operations Log for the problem attempt?


12/5/2007 3:30:48 AM: Connected to Mark Johnson’s Computer


12/5/2007 3:30:48 AM: Copying Macintosh HD on Mark Johnson’s Computer…

Scanning incomplete, error 519 (network communication failed)


12/5/2007 3:45:39 AM: Connected to Mary Wong


- Directly after the 519 error, can you immediately connect to the client and click on the "configure" tab?


yes, I can go to "Configure", "Clients" then click on "configure", I am able to rename, change password, Sync clock

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It scanned around 5-6 mins then went to netry for around 4 min then the error 519 come out.



- If you use as a Source a defined Subvolume on the client that doesn't have much data, are you able to back that up successfully?


- Confirm that this machine worked fine as a client when it was on 10.4?


> It is not the physcial cable problem because I tried to connect the cable to another machine.


That might confirm the station cable, but there is more to network access then a single cable.


Just recently, I attempted to replace my current home router with a new, more expensive CheckPoint product. Much faster throughput overall, but I found that I was unable to complete anything but the smallest ftp transfers from my Leopard desktop. The error was always "Could not read reply from control connection: Connection reset by peer." Other Tiger machines on the same network worked fine.


I went back to the old router and ftp works again.


The CheckPoint router had out of date firmware, and I just received the new embedded update software, which I have not tried yet. But my experience suggests to me that network infrastructure might play a role in Leopard communication issues.


If there's any chance you can connect the Retrospect machine directly to Mark Johnson’s Computer, that would be an interesting test.




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- If you use as a Source a defined Subvolume on the client that doesn't have much data, are you able to back that up successfully?


Just tried to defined a small subvolume and the backup finished successfully. Maybe there is a corrupted file in the machine that stop the scanning. I should use Disk Warrior to repair the disk even it is not fully support 10.5 yet. But I dont know what is the good way to locate this corrupted file, if it exists.


I did experience Retrospect unable to read files that have special weird character in the file name. I will look into it.


- Confirm that this machine worked fine as a client when it was on 10.4?


yes, there was not hardware change. The users installed the 10.5 and the backup stop working since that point.



I feel the light...

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I spitted the volume into a few volumes to backup, non of the sub volume had problem. Then i removed all sub-volumes and try again. The client back to normal.


Thank you for all the helps


But now it looks like the retrospect is not releasing the client after the backup finish. That makes the next scheduled backup unable to process since the client is reserved. I will try again on this.

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I will add that I'm having almost exactly the same issues with a very similar configuration.



Well, that's certainly good news.


The original poster's most recent comment was "The client back to normal."


Since your issue is "almost exactly the same," you should provide the Forum details of exactly what your issues are. And since your configuration is "very similar," you should list your precise configuration details.





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I was out of my office Friday.


I'm the only Leopard client in our backup. Eleven clients Tiger and Panther. Retrospect is running on an Intel Xserve with Tiger 10.4.11. Backup does clients and server (with attached RAID about 3.3 TB) nightly to a DLT II library. Fair amount of data as we are a design studio.


My machine is a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 GB RAM with 10.5.1. 160 HD as 25 GB for bootcamp and rest OSX HFS+ journaled. Rarely has an issue under Tiger and I think even 10.5.0 was okay - but that was a short window. About 95 GB of data on the OSX volume. Ran Diskwarrior from a 10.4 machine to mine as a target disk to repair directories after reading this thread.


Ran the back up this morning - Retro 6.1.138 saw my client 6.1.130, started scan as 1 folder 0 files - then net retry- then after a few minutes a 519 error. It then went on to bootcamp volume which it didn't have any problem scanning and backing up.


What else would be helpful?



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I can define subvolumes and try that. So I would only use the subvolumes and not backup the overall volume? Won't it be a problem if I have to restore the entire drive? Or is that just part of a diagnostic process?


Yes the net retry came quickly.

from the log---

8:22:01 Copying

Scanning incomplete, error 519 (network communication failed)


8:26:54 copying untitled (bootcamp volume)



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Won't it be a problem if I have to restore the entire drive? Or is that just part of a diagnostic process?




As long as you have a Snapshot of the entire volume, it's OK to have some previous Sessions done with defined Subvolume. So yes, its a diagnostic process, but the backups you're doing will still be usable in the future if you figure out what's stopping the root level attempts.



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So the backup ran last night, three subvolumes defined - Library, Applications and Users. It ran fine. That means the problem is somewhere else....yes? So I keep adding until I have a problem-- which then let's me know the problematic folder or file?


Please let me know if I'm missing something.



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This is what I am doing to backup the entire client, breaking the client in to subvolumes and back them up 1 by 1. I still dont know where is the problem at, at least it able to complete the script and backup everyone in the office.


Plevin, can you check if the client stays at "In Use" status after the backup finished? The backup server never release the client.


Thank you

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Although the tests performed and reported on this thread haven't yet been complete enough to be sure, it _sounds_ as if something on the root level is preventing the scan from completing.


This "something" could be one of the root level directories other then Library, Applications and Users (which are the only ones that have been specifically reported as working when defined as subvolumes), or it could be one of the non-directory files at root, such as .com.apple.timemachine.supported (implicated in another thread), mach.sym, mach_kernal, etc.


Since I don't have a Leopard machine with Retrospect OS X Client software installed, I can't test this directly. But another thread implied an issue with /. com.apple.timemachine.supported , so even though I have no idea what this tiny invisible file does (and I was dubious in the other thread that it was actually the cause of that poster's problem), I'd like to see a test where a machine that failed to scan had this file, and then the only change was the removal of this file to see if Retrospect's behavior changes.




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I am having the exact same problem on 2 new Mac Pro clients I just got that came with Leopard (OS X 5.1). I updated the Retrospect program (running on an Intel Mini 10.4.11) to the latest version (6.1.138) and the 2 new Mac Pro clients to the latest (6.1.130). When I attempt a backup on either of these, it appears to be connected at first listing "Scanning: 1 folder, 0 files" but then quickly goes to a "Net Retry" message and eventually times out with a 519 (network communication failed) error message in the log. All my other clients (still on 10.4.x) still work for backup and these 2 clients worked before I upgraded them to the new Mac Pros that came with Leopard. They were previously on 10.4.X




Tim Sachi

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This doesn't seem to apply to my situation as I have no problems backing up any 10.4.x Macs, Intel or otherwise, just the 2 new 10.5.X Intel Macs but I'll try it and let you know. Currently doing a catalog rebuild after having to force quit Retrospect so I'll try it tomorrow...




Tim S

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