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Splitting Clients beteween hard drives

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I have been using Retrospect Workgroup Backup 5.0 for about a month and it works great; however, I am using a set of 160 GB hard drives and I will run out of disk space when I get all the clients up and running. Here is my dilemma:




We are upgrading to Retrospect Server (to backup our AppleShare Server) and to be able to backup more clients. I have 4 160GB hard drives and 2 FireWire enclosures with a removable chassis arrangement. I want to split the backup to 2 backup sets (to rotate off-site). So I would like to have HD A & C connected this week and next week have HD B & D connected.




The problem is I can't figure out how to make my backup server script split the clients between the two sets (thus making it a 320 GB backup set). Can I make Retrospect have 2 scripts, one that backs up clients 1-30 and another script that backs up clients 30-60? Can a Backup server script do what I am suggesting automatically? I know that I cannot span multiple hard drives, so what is the solution?




Thanks in advance,





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Can I make Retrospect have 2 scripts, one that backs up clients 1-30 and another script that backs up clients 30-60? Sure. This is called Source Groups. Go to Configure/Volumes or Configure/Clients. See the little new folder button at the top. You can put 30 clients into one folder and another into another folder and specify that folder for your backup. So one folder one day and another another day. etc. But yes, you can definately have 2 scripts set to run.






I know that I cannot span multiple hard drives, so what is the solution? -


Version 6.0 will be able to spann multiple hard drives. Solution is above.

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