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Trouble in Retrospect

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I have an error message popping up on my machine that says"




Trouble in Retrospect:


Internal consistency check failed:


Assertion check at "elem16.c-438"




Once I click "Quit" (the only option provided) I get another wondow that says:




Trouble in Retrospect:


Internal consistency check failed:


Assertion check at "elem16.c-713"




I click "Quit" here and then it goes back to the finder again.




I can find no mention anywhere of what this means and I can't get into the software without the error popping up again.




Any ideas:???

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Are you running Retrospect on an AppleShare Server?




We are still investigating an issue with AppleShare.




The problems reported fall into, but are not limited to, these main




1: AppleShare IP or Retrospect crash when Retrospect is running a


backup. This may happen during scanning, matching, copying or comparing.




Retrospect may also quit with an assert at elem16.c-438.


2: AppleShare IP hangs when the first user logs in via Mac Manager (not AppleShare) after Retrospect has backed up the server.




We have found that the following does help reduce these crashes:


1) Try allocating more memory to Retrospect via the get info Window in the finder


2) Turn off Sherlock Auto Indexing on the server


3) Configure Energy Saver (or Retrospect if the backup happens locally) to Restart the server every day following the backup or before the first users arrive in the morning.


4) You can try to perform a backup of the server while AppleShare itself is disabled, but this WILL prevent you from copying any AppleShare privileges.


5) If you backup is local to the server, try backing up the server as a client.


6) Make sure you restart the computer after one of these errors.



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Yes to all..... I've had a tremendous crashing problem for weeks.... I'll paraphrase what has been pure hell:




G4/400 running OS 9.2.2


768 RAM


ASIP 6.3 with 25 users


FW Raid with 8-60gig drives/mirrored to 4/each of the 4 partitioned into 4 partitions (16 total)


SCSI Tape Autoloader (6-tape) Scorpio 240 DDS-4 (upgraded firmware) connected with brand new Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card with upgraded firmware.


Retrospect 4.3 Workgroup (10 pack) but only backs up 2 other network drives




I use 2 scripts. 1 Mon-Thurs incremental (rotated every week/three sets)


1 Fri Recycle BU (rotated every week/three sets)




I've tested every possible scenario I can think of.




1. I've allocated 25 mb -100 mb to Retrospect and no change.


2. Upgraded all possible firmware.


3. Re-installed clean Retrospect


4. Set up script to run every possible scenario. Only one crashes every time.




4 minutes (just about every time) into the Firewire Drive back-up (Incremental or Recycle) Retrospect locks up every time. If it's backing up other items on the script (other than the FW Drive) it runs right thru.




The FW Drives run like a champ all day long with 25 users logging in and sharing files/folders.




This is the FIRST time I've seen anyone mention a possible proble with FW drives and Retrospect.....but it makes sense to me....




ANY IDEAS would be very much appreciated.



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