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installing retrospect

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Hello having purchased a maxtor External Hardrive on installing the software that's fine until i have to install the retrospect software i then get a dialog box saying 2 the application failed to intialize properly (Oxc0000005) click on OK to termonate the application) i would be most grateful if someone can help me with this problem.

Thank you

Jack stoddart (silver surfer)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I purchased Retrospect Backup some time ago and never did get it installed. Other things interfered and so I kept putting it off. Now I'm trying to get it installed and begin backing up, but I can't get beyond the "configuring."

I am using an iMac G4 operating on OS X, version 10.3.7. My version of Retrospect is 6.0.178. My System Profiler says that there is installed: ATA-3 Bus: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-105.

I tried diligently to follow the Users Guide Quick Start beginning on page 14. Things didn't happen exactly as the book implied but close enough so that I believed I was doing things right. But then, on page 16, when I clicked on configure I got a dialog that stated that the configuring might take as many as 200 minutes. I was willing to wait. Actually, I went out to dinner, came home to bed and looked at the screen the next morning. The same screen was there with the two little gears revolving and so I clicked on stop. The message that came up implied that I had interrupted the configuring process.

I tried searching your knowledge base and I scanned through the FAQ's but couldn't find anything that seemed to apply to my difficulties.

I have iOmegaWare running on my PowerMac G3 across the room but I would rather install Retrospect on my iMac. Can you help me?

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Thanks for your reply. I upgraded and now have Retrospect version 6.0.178 and Retrospect Driver Update version 6.1.102 installed. What do I do next? Do I go through the Quick Start procedure again? If so, should I not clean out my hard drive of the remnants ofthe unsuccessful starts? I am in a quandary.

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I have the exact same experience. Tried about 15 different things suggested by Maxtor and what I have found on Forums and Microsoft Support sites, but nothing whatever changes anything. Still get that exact numbered error that you get, jacnad. Doesn't give me a warm fuzzy about the reliability of Dantz software. All the files seem to be in the Dantz folder and I downloaded and installed the latest driver. Still does the same thing. Maxtor keeps saying it's a driver or program conflict. But I booted into the minimal diagnostic version of XP and it still does the same thing. I have tried the Firewall port fixes that are posted and everything else I could find. I'm about to think I have wasted my money on Maxtor and Dantz.

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UHH...........Sorry, guys. Windows. I guess I was so elated to finally find someone with the same problem, I got carried away and didn't notice the full path way up there at the top. Odd though that the same error number would come up. Guess I'll do like the faq says and ask the forum administrator to move it for me.

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  • 2 months later...



I'm having trouble getting past the administrator login and password. I'm running Mac OS 10.2.8 and Retrospect 5.1 (previously installed). I have just started this job, therefore changing the previous employees administrator login and password, to my own. My new administrator password works everywhere else but Retrospect. I have tried re-installing the application, but had no luck. Retrospect is set to back up new or changed files to an external LaCie drive. Any suggestions???





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  • 1 month later...

I am back to trying to install Retrospect and performing a backup. My iMac G4 now has Tiger installed and so I downloaded and installed the new driver. After a lengthy pseiod and with 6 DVD-RW disks The backup stopped with 159 execution errors and 21 files still to go.

My question is what do I do now? I don't know how to correct the errors and 159 of them are too much. Can I just ignore the errors and proceed as if everything is all right. I need the backup because I want to perform an erase and reinstallof Tiger.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I ran into a somewhat similar problem with 6.0.212, which is what brought me here today. I backed up the same data to a hard disk and to (two) CDs. The hard disk backup went fine, but the CDs reported four thousand errors! I figured I had a bad CD. A subsequent incremental backup tried only the four thousand files and reduced the errors to 800. I presume another would do better, but obviously 6.0.212 does not like the SuperDrive on my Tiger.


Try another incremental backup (and another, if necessary) until you get to the half dozen files that change during backup (system logs and such). Hope this helps.

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