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Retrospect ejecting all previously written media

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I'm not sure what could have changed other than a system update, but today when I tried to run a backup the DVD+R spins for about a minute and then ejects. The status says "Loading" and then back to "No media" when it ejects. If I insert a blank disk, it says "Erased," so it's not totally screwed up... I have never had this issue before. It has been a couple of months since I did my last backup. I tried rebooting and even resetting the PRAM to no avail. I also installed the latest driver update.


Running Retrospect Backup 6.1.126, OSX 10.4.9 on an iMac G5, 1.8 GHz, 2GB RAM, the Storage Devices identifies the drive as "Panasonic DVD+RW, ATAPI-A:0:0", device status identifies it as MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-825.


Anyone else experience this issue? I'd like to be able to back up again... and I'd definitely like to be able to restore!

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I also installed the latest driver update.


And what RDU version would that be? Not trying to be difficult here, but these posts persist long into the future, and, in order to make the information useful for others, it's important to document your configuration.



I'm not sure what could have changed other than a system update, but today when I tried to run a backup the DVD+R spins for about a minute and then ejects. The status says "Loading" and then back to "No media" when it ejects.


Just to be clear here, are you saying that your steps are:

(1) launch Retrospect

(2) initiate backup

(3) when media is needed, you insert a previously-written DVD+R disk

(4) the media ejects immediately.




This problem statement seems to refer to backup, not restore. Why do you say:



and I'd definitely like to be able to restore!


Have you tried to do a restore that failed?



It has been a couple of months since I did my last backup.


Is it possible that the last backup you did filled the member (DVD)?

When you go to: Configure > Backup Sets, select that backup set DVD, what does the "Available:" line show?

Specifically, does it say "Appending requires another member" ? Or, instead, does it give some guesstimate of available space left?


Is it possible that you are doing a "New Media" backup that would make another DVD be needed?


Is it possible that Retrospect is looking for another DVD named something else?


If you do Configure > Devices and insert the DVD, what shows up as the backup set's name?


Are you able to do a backup to an erased DVD using a different backup set name?


Have you been storing your DVDs in a cool, dark place? Or have you been leaving them in the sun on the window sill?



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  • 2 weeks later...



I also installed the latest driver update.


And what RDU version would that be? Not trying to be difficult here, but these posts persist long into the future, and, in order to make the information useful for others, it's important to document your configuration.




I'm not sure what could have changed other than a system update, but today when I tried to run a backup the DVD+R spins for about a minute and then ejects. The status says "Loading" and then back to "No media" when it ejects.


Just to be clear here, are you saying that your steps are:

(1) launch Retrospect

(2) initiate backup

(3) when media is needed, you insert a previously-written DVD+R disk

(4) the media ejects immediately.





Pretty much, although it tries to spin up for a few minutes before ejecting. Occasionally it will show up with the correct media number, and then it gives a hardware error as soon as it starts writing. I even tried skipping the DVD and adding a new one, but it loads up and then gives me a hardware error and shows the media as "Incompatible."



This problem statement seems to refer to backup, not restore. Why do you say:



and I'd definitely like to be able to restore!


Have you tried to do a restore that failed?



The disk won't load even if I go to Configure->Devices, naturally I'm assuming if it doesn't show up there it won't restore. but I haven't tried to restore.




It has been a couple of months since I did my last backup.


Is it possible that the last backup you did filled the member (DVD)?

When you go to: Configure > Backup Sets, select that backup set DVD, what does the "Available:" line show?

Specifically, does it say "Appending requires another member" ? Or, instead, does it give some guesstimate of available space left?



It says "912.3 M"



Is it possible that you are doing a "New Media" backup that would make another DVD be needed?



I'm just trying to back up in the same way that I always have



Is it possible that Retrospect is looking for another DVD named something else?



I am putting in the media that it's asking for, so I don't think so.



If you do Configure > Devices and insert the DVD, what shows up as the backup set's name?



That was my first step (since it takes forever to scan for the backup), like I said it usually ejects even there. If it does show up correctly then it won't write to it once I execute.



Are you able to do a backup to an erased DVD using a different backup set name?



Hadn't thought to try that. It doesn't fare any better, though... "Device trouble: '1-Test', error 203 (hardware failure)"



Have you been storing your DVDs in a cool, dark place? Or have you been leaving them in the sun on the window sill?



How am I supposed to find them if I don't put them in the window? tongue.gif


They have been in my closet which is as cool and dark as you can get without going into the refrigerator... I would suspect my drive is failing but I have no trouble burning DVDs from other applications.

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I would suspect my drive is failing but I have no trouble burning DVDs from other applications.


Retrospect uses a technology called "packet writing" which very few other applications uses. So if it isn't the RDU acting up, it might be the drive, even if other apps can use it.

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I'm beginning to think that there are issues with the RDU - a bunch of people are reporting problems that disappear when they revert to the previous version. You might try that.



Very likely this could be the issue, I don't think I have done a backup with this version ... however......... where can I get the previous version of the RDU (no, I didn't think to save it...)

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Very likely this could be the issue, I don't think I have done a backup with this version ... however......... where can I get the previous version of the RDU (no, I didn't think to save it...)


Never mind, found a dmg in the linked article. I'll give this a shot and report what happens.

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Very likely this could be the issue, I don't think I have done a backup with this version ... however......... where can I get the previous version of the RDU (no, I didn't think to save it...)


Never mind, found a dmg in the linked article. I'll give this a shot and report what happens.



Well, I had high hopes... but that didn't do it. I also trashed all the preferences thinking something may have gotten corrupt in them, but that didn't fix it either.

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Ok, two more areas to investigate, and then I'm stumped.


(1) What is the EXACT name that Retrospect puts up when it wants the new disk? And what is listed in your "Configure > Backup Sets" window?


Reason: Above, you gave a message of:



"Device trouble: '1-Test', error 203 (hardware failure)"


Does the prefix ever change to "2-" or "3-" ? Do you ever see a suffix like [001] or [002], etc.?


If the prefix changes, then Retrospect is moving to a new member of the same backup set, which indicates that it was able to write a little bit and then hit end-of-media. If the suffix changes with brackets, then Retrospect is doing a "new media" backup and moving to a new backup set (which would indicate a problem with how you have the script set up). If you look at the backup set in the "Confgure > Backup Sets", how many members does it say it has?


(2) Have you ever done a "custom configure" of your drive? If so, then those parameters will be overriding the defaults in the RDU (and I'd prefer the RDU after the problems people have been seeing with RDU If there is a .rdi file in /Library/Preferences/Retrospect, quit Retrospect, move the .rdi file to the Desktop, restart Retrospect, see what happens.


It would be interesting to know what happens if you try another DVD drive. It may just be that something has happened to that drive (perhaps by an Apple update?). The fact that other programs can use the drive is not conclusive one way or the other because Retrospect uses a different mode of writing to optical media than do other programs.



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Ok, two more areas to investigate, and then I'm stumped.


(1) What is the EXACT name that Retrospect puts up when it wants the new disk? And what is listed in your "Configure > Backup Sets" window?


Reason: Above, you gave a message of:



"Device trouble: '1-Test', error 203 (hardware failure)"


Does the prefix ever change to "2-" or "3-" ? Do you ever see a suffix like [001] or [002], etc.?


If the prefix changes, then Retrospect is moving to a new member of the same backup set, which indicates that it was able to write a little bit and then hit end-of-media. If the suffix changes with brackets, then Retrospect is doing a "new media" backup and moving to a new backup set (which would indicate a problem with how you have the script set up). If you look at the backup set in the "Confgure > Backup Sets", how many members does it say it has?



There are 28 members in the backup that I'm actually using, the quote above was from creating a brand new backup set to see if it was something in the backup set that I'm using. I thought maybe something was wrong with number 28, so I told it to skip it (I didn't set it as missing) so when I start the backup it's asking for a new disc, and says it will be named "29-G5 Backup". I insert a new disk, it says "Loading..." then "Erased," and I hit "proceed." Then it says "Device trouble: "29-G5 Backup", error 203 (hardware failure)" and it shows as "Incompatible." If I put the same disk back in, it says it is "29-G5 Backup" but if I hit "Proceed" it says "Really use 29-G5 Backup erasing all contents?" (Of course that fails because it's DVD+R media) - that tells me it is at least writing the name of the disk but that's it.


I didn't think until just now to include the output of the log, here is the result of the above procedure ("Programs" is the name of the folder I'm attempting to back up):



launched at 5/16/2007 9:45 PM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version


+ Executing Immediate Backup at 5/16/2007 9:48 PM

To backup set G5 Backup…


- 5/16/2007 9:48:42 PM: Copying Programs on Macintosh HD…

Device trouble: “29-G5 Backup”, error 203 (hardware failure).

Additional error information for device "Panasonic DVD+RW" [1:0],

Sense > f1 00 04 00 00 0a 70 0a 00 29 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00





(2) Have you ever done a "custom configure" of your drive? If so, then those parameters will be overriding the defaults in the RDU (and I'd prefer the RDU after the problems people have been seeing with RDU If there is a .rdi file in /Library/Preferences/Retrospect, quit Retrospect, move the .rdi file to the Desktop, restart Retrospect, see what happens.



I did try throwing away the whole folder /Library/Preferences/Retrospect today, in case it was something in there. It of course deleted all the backup set information, but it still is doing the same thing.



It would be interesting to know what happens if you try another DVD drive. It may just be that something has happened to that drive (perhaps by an Apple update?). The fact that other programs can use the drive is not conclusive one way or the other because Retrospect uses a different mode of writing to optical media than do other programs.



I wish I could test another drive... I have a Memorex 16x double-layer drive but it doesn't work with Retrospect in the first place.

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Device trouble: “29-G5 Backup”, error 203 (hardware failure).

Additional error information for device "Panasonic DVD+RW" [1:0],

Sense > f1 00 04 00 00 0a 70 0a 00 29 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00



Well, I'm stumped. Only think I could suggest at this point is to get the manual and figure out what the error codes mean. I poked about a bit and couldn't find a manual with those codes. I assume that you've tried different media.


Another thing to try might be a regression test, back further than the RDU in case a bug was introduced in some recent RDU. I note that RDU introduced support for the UJ-825E, so you might try that driver and the one before it (in case UJ-825E support broke your particular model's support). Here's the link to all of them:

RDU revision history


Sorry I can't be better help.



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Device trouble: “29-G5 Backup”, error 203 (hardware failure).

Additional error information for device "Panasonic DVD+RW" [1:0],

Sense > f1 00 04 00 00 0a 70 0a 00 29 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00



Well, I'm stumped. Only think I could suggest at this point is to get the manual and figure out what the error codes mean. I poked about a bit and couldn't find a manual with those codes. I assume that you've tried different media.


Another thing to try might be a regression test, back further than the RDU in case a bug was introduced in some recent RDU. I note that RDU introduced support for the UJ-825E, so you might try that driver and the one before it (in case UJ-825E support broke your particular model's support). Here's the link to all of them:


Sorry I can't be better help.





I had originally had a similar experience with some Verbatim DVD+R's (although it was much less consistent, but it would occassionally give me a hardware failure in the middle of a backup, usually during verify) so I bought some maxell DVD+R which have never given me a problem until now. I may try yet another brand, I guess that's cheaper than trying different drives crazy.gif


I also rolled back to but still am getting the same problems.


Thanks for all of your help, Russ.

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Just for fun, I tried a new backup set with some CD-R's I've got, and it played nicely with them. So... I guess it's possible that the maxell media is bad? Maybe it's a bad stock and the media itself doesn't have any longevity? I was able to restore a file from the old Verbatim (one that verified correctly) but all of my Maxell's won't recover anything. I'm right now doing a verify of all the media in this backup set to see how that goes.

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It looks like the recover issue may have been the new RDU, I've been popping in DVD's all day for the verifying and so far everything is verifying correctly (I'm on disk 20 of 28; my failed recovery happened with (I've rolled all the way back to I'll get some TDK and see if that fares any better.

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Well, after a successful verifying experience, it is still not writing to the blank media. So, I'm glad that I haven't lost any data, and I have some TDK media on order and should get that in the next couple of days. I'll report back to the thread when I get it.

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Well, the TDK media did the exact same thing:



- 5/22/2007 12:34:37 PM: Copying Programs on Macintosh HD…

Device trouble: “29-G5 Backup”, error 203 (hardware failure).

Additional error information for device "Panasonic DVD+RW" [0:0],

Sense > f1 00 04 00 00 0a 70 0a 00 29 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00




so... sounds like my drive may be failing? If it was an apple update I would expect to see others with the same issue by now, don't you think...?

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cant find the place to start a new topic, but any ways I notice recently that my tapes keep on popping out the backup has not finished there are two computers to backup, it asks for another tape but about three weeks ago I didnt have to worry it about popping out, I run a recycle backup everyday m-f and my backup tapes can hold 400GB compressed data now everytime it reaches to about 217GB thats when the tape pops out and before I would let the backup ran I would go in there manually and reset the the tape erasing whatever was on the tape the prevoius night just wondering why this problem occur

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cant find the place to start a new topic,...


Click on the "Desktop, Workgroup and Server for Mac OS X" above. On THAT page's header there is a "post" link (just beside the "previous" "index" and "next" links.


Don't forget to write a relevant Subject and I'm sure someone will help.

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  • 2 months later...

Just to follow up anyone looking at this thread in the future, the drive finally gave out on me in DVD Studio Pro, so yes, the drive died. I bought a new LaCie external firewire DVD-RW drive and it needed the newest driver, but I am able to back up again. Yay.


Oddly enough, I have two iMacs (one G5 that I use every day and one goose neck that I don't use much at all). The goose neck drive died also. Maybe it was a power related issue (both computers are on UPS's but I am also in Oklahoma, land of exciting thunderstorms). On the other hand, the drive in my G5 didn't work with DVD-R and my old iMac was using DVD-R for backing up and archiving. The LaCie will read those DVD-R's, so I am glad that I now have the ability to pull from those archives without having to go to the goose neck.

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