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Client Issue


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Hello Again experts!


I know that I can expect a few drop outs when I try to back up from Clients across a wireless network but what I would like to ask is:


1. What does Retrospect make of Catalogues when a backup stops before it has chance to build a catalogue?


2. Can the files that were backed up before an interruption be seen and used?


3. Are there any verification issues?


Thanks folks!

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If the connection to the client drops out mid-backup, no snapshot will be created and no verification will take place. If you have Retrospect 7.5, then whatever files had been copied over should have a md5 descriptor, and might be checked in media verification, however I haven't tried it out and can't say for sure. You should be able to restore these files using the Find Files restore.


What nembot says is incorrect, since sourse/destination comparison is based on snapshots, and no snapshot is created for files copied before the connection failure, then any files that had been copied will be re-copied during the next backup.

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