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Write protected disk warning

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Hello from sunny Scotland


Just tried to back up and Retrospect 6.1 is telling me that the last disc in the current back up set of DVD's is write protected. "Please unlock it and try again." But how ?! The disc (and others I tried) aren't actually locked as I subsequently burned images in Toast on them.


Mac G4, OS 10.4.8.


I appreciate your help !


Niall Benvie

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  • 6 months later...

Is there any answer for this? I've been having the same problem. Here's the situation:


I was having system problems and had to do an archive and install of Mac OS X Tiger, and upgraded to 10.4.9.


The next time I tried to run Retrospect to do a backup, I got an error that the DVD that is already part of the backup set is write protected and that i should unlock it. I tried the following things:


Uninstalled and reinstalled Retrospect, currently at Retrospect version 6.1.126, driver update


I tried a whole new unused blank DVD and got the exact same problem. If I use a blank one, I first get the error "Couldn't erase disc, error 112 (can't erase/format media)." If I try again with the same disk, I get the "Write protected" error.


Then I tried a brand new empty backup set and new blank DVD, and I get "Device trouble: 1-Critical Backup Set C", error 103 (unexpected beginning of media). I've tried this with several blank DVDs with the same result.


I'm using the internal DVD writer that came with the Mac (Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104), which has worked fine with Retrospect for years. And I was able to burn other DVD's with it (creating a Finder Burn Folder and with Toast 8)


I also tried an external Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-111D with the same results.


Can you help???? I don't know what else to try!!!





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Here's a bit more information..


I found repairing permissions has helped some. I'm using the external Firewire Pioneer DVR-111D, and I got an initial error 102 (communications error) on the first DVD, but it actually completed the backup.


Just one problem. It's only using approx 1GB of the 4.7GB DVDs :-( A 5GB backup took 5 DVDs.


Anyone have any ideas on THAT? I did "configure" the drive for Retrospect.


Thanks for any replies!



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> I did "configure" the drive for Retrospect.




The DVR-111D is supported by Retrospect using RDU version or later (at least the ATAPI version is; perhaps support is being affected by the FireWire bridge...). Configuration is not needed, and in fact could be the cause of your unexpected behavior.


Delete the custom configuration and try with the built-in support.




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I first tried it without the custom configuration, and when I was having all this trouble I thought configuring it would help, but with the same results. I'll delete the custom configuration again and see if that makes any difference this time.





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I am using Retrospect 6.1.126 on a G5 running OSX 10.4.9.

My backup set was created using Restrospect 6.1.126 with driver update

Using driver update I have been running a backup server daily and executing an incremental back up weekly with no interruption other than to change media, the media is DVD-R.

I installed the latest driver update and the previously operational aspects of Retrospect have ceased because Retrospect can no longer deal with the media.

I have tried new media after receiving media locked errors on new media.

I have tried custom configurations that stall for hours on end and then never complete.

I tried CD media and this appears to work.

The problem appears to be DVD handling (for me)

Since I did not install any other new software and my other disc burning software works correctly I can only surmise that the update is causing the problem.

Are there any other things I should investigate ? Does anyone know where I can find Driver Update so I can reinstall it, I deleted it from my drive - foolish me.

Thanks All


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the media is DVD-R.


Slightly off topic.

Retrospect uses "packet writing". DVD+R is MUCH better on handling packet writing than DVD-R. I have the Pioneer DVR-110D and got much faster backups using DVD+R discs than DVD-R.

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Following Andy's lead, I replaced my Driver Update with, and my internal DVR-104 no longer complains about the media being write-protected. I haven't done a backup longer than one DVD so I don't know if the DVR-111D will use the full DVD or not. However I'm optimistic.


I also removed all the devicexx.rdi files, so we'll see if that makes a difference too.


Thanks everyone for their help!

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I experienced the same problem as soon as I upgraded RDU from

to (Perform immediate backup to existing

backup set, Retrospect prompts for the last disc of the existing

set, complains the disc is write protected.)


Backing out RDU to solved the problem for me.



Retrospect 6.1.126

Mac OS X 10.4.9

Power Mac G5 2 x 2.7Ghz

Apple 16x SuperDrive (Sony model DW-Q28A, version KAS7)

DVD+R media

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'm back again and having problems...


I don't know what's changed, but I'm trying to backup to my DVR-111D (external Firewire 400 from OWC), and it's hanging on the first file backed-up. It reports "Remaining: 87 files 6.2 G, Completed: 1 files 24K", and just sits there. The light on the DVD drive isn't blinking, so it's not writing anything to the DVD, and I get the spinning rainbow beachball cursor.


At first I thought it might be bad media, so I "skipped" the current DVD (it looked almost full, so I thought maybe it was damaged at the end) and used a fresh DVD, which it reported as "Loading" and "Erased". And now it's hung.


If I force quit and try to start it again or fiddle with the firewire connection or DVD drive, I get the gray screen of death.


When it hangs, Retrospect seems to be "active", taking up around 50% of the CPU, but I can't tell what it's doing since Activity Monitor has the "sample" button greyed out for the Retrospect process.


I haven't had any problems with the internal DVR-104 drive (so far).




Retrospect 6.1.126

Driver Update:

PowerMac Dual 1GHz G4 MDD

MacOS 10.4.9

DVD-R media


Any ideas, anyone...?



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A little update...


After waiting about a half an hour letting Retrospect hang and spin it's wheels, I'm getting a

"Trouble writing 8-Images Set B (437256192), error 102 (trouble communicating).


I guess I'll have to go with my (slow) DVR-104 drive until we figure this one out.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I retried with RDU This version too exhibits the problem; I backed out to again.


Since the bug's persisted through multiple RDU's, I'm guessing that other folks have also given up on installing RDU's. Don't know why what one would do if they needed one of the newer RDUs to get the support for newer drives.

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The latest driver update does not correct the issues you may see with optical devices. The Read me for this RDU specifically says "Only DVD+R media is supported with this driver update and optical devices."


If you need support for the older device with multiple media types, we are recommending the older driver until we have corrected the bug we introduced a few drivers ago.

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