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Winerr 23 error 1001


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When I ran a backup this morning there were quite a number of errors, mostly can't read data, BackupRead failed, G:\Program Files\Common Files\Visio Shared\Fonts\visioJP.shx, winerr 23, error -1001


Can anyone shed any light on what this might mean?


I'm using Retrospect Backup Desktop Edition version 5.6.127 on Windows XP.




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Sorry for the confusion. What I mean is can you use windows to copy and paste the files that are showing up as errors in your log? This will help us determine if the files are valid or corrupt in some way.


If you can successfully copy and paste the files to another location try backing them up from there.



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Thanks for your replies.


Apparently Retrospect was giving me advance warning of a disk failure. Scanning the disk completed normally (i.e., no errors were reported) but Notepad had difficulties on some of the specific files in the log. Eventually, I discovered disk errors (lots of them) in the event log and have a replacement drive en route. The errors there included ones reporting bad blocks, one reporting problems reading/writing the paging file and ones saying the disk firmware was out of date. (Updating the drive firmware didn't improve things).


I'm really perplexed by why Retrospect reported problems but the system continued to run (albeit somewhat slowly) without any error messages. Do the "backup reads" that failed deliberately avoid having the disk recover from a bad block?


I'm now thinking of how I should recover. My most recent backups are probably not of very much value due to the files that weren't backed up. The Retrospect log file overflowed so I don't know exactly when the problems started.


My options seem to be to use the Retrospect disaster recovery CD (this will presumably result in some missing files), do a disk to disk copy (which will presumably miss files/blocks with hard errors but have soft errors corrected) or do a complete reinstallation.


Any advice?






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The thing about Retrospect is that it scans the entire drive every time it runs. The system only uses certain files so it may have worked around the bad sectors on the disk.


As far as the recovery is concerned - The machine is in fact running now so chances are the files that are damaged are not critical. I would do a restore from an older snapshot first and see how that goes. If you find you are missing files you can restore just those files from a newer snapshot or try a full system restore over the top of your running system




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