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won't overwrite less recent files...

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  • 2 weeks later...


I don't quite understand your problem. Are you saying that the backup will not backup modified files, at all, but only newly created files? If so, what does the error message say, if anything?


Why not do the backup manually, for now, until you figure out what's gone wrong with your script. You may have to recreate your script again, from scratch.


Also, it might be an idea to upgrade to v5.1 or v6.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I miss read what you wrote, let me try again...


How are you backing up, a full backup and then as incrementals?


Are the same files being backed up even if they haven't been modified?


If yes to both: Suggest you do a new full backup, and write incrementals to that - that way Retrospect will keep a track of your files better. And keep to one OS when backing up, otherwise the whole lot will be backed up again!

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