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Retro and ATTO UL3D can't see my tape drive PLEASE help :(

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i have a G4 running 10.4.5


retro 6.1.126

and 6.1 driver update.


ATTO UL3D has latest driver update...


no drives attached to the UL3D show up in "configure devices" in retrospect.

I'm trying to retrieve data from DAT tapes on my Archive Python tape drive.

but it doesn't show up. I attached a hard drive and it mounts on my desktop but doesn't appear in retrospect either.


Please help if you have any info, i really need to get this info off...



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Does the drive show up in System Profiler? Did you back up with the drive on this machine? Can you give some more specific information on which Python drive it is? Any other SCSI devices attached? Hard drives typically won't show in Configure>Devices, you should check Configure>Volumes. Does the tape drive show in Device Status (accessed from Configure>Devices)?

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After connecting and turning on the power to the tape drive, did you reboot the computer?


Can you see the tape drive using the ATTO Configuration Tool?


You won't see any hard drive in Retrospect unless you have selected "Use hard drives as removable disks" in Preferences> Media Handling.

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-no, i didn't back up with this machine but had been able to see this tape drive with an older OS and vers of retro

-it's the only thing attached

-yes, i rebooted the computer after connecting the tape drive

-yeah, i see, the hard drive shows up when I go to configure>volumes


the tape drive doesn't show up in device status nor does it show up in ATTO configuration tool.


i don't think i can figure out the exact model of the drive unless my computer can see it...


any ideas?

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Have you checked with Atto Tech Support ?

I have the same card in a Blue&White G3 with a Tandberg drive. I checked with Atto technical before buying and they advised "After receiving the card, if the tape drive does not show up right away, please call us. There is some settings that may be necessary for the card to communicate properly." It's possible that some SCSI setting might need tweeking.

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