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data.appclicks.com DNS


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The Event log is filling up with entries on an hourly basis. DNS is unable to find anything for data.appclicks.com, saying Event 1014 "Name resolution for the name data.appclicks.com timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded." (Google's and

Preferences Execution General "Help improve Retrospect by sending anonymous usage statistics" is UNchecked already.

Can this be shut off?


Windows 10 Pro


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1.  Um, Houston, I think we have a new problem. At least in the URL from 2013 one got far enough along for the server to deny a connection.

2. In the present problem, DNS is unable to even provide an IP for data.appclicks.com,  to wit:

Default server:

** server can't find data.appclicks.com: NXDOMAIN

Are they off the air? Out of business? Closed for the holidays?

3. The Event log says:


4. Furthermore Retrospect seems to be trying to send data and ignoring the UNchecked flag at the cursor arrow:



Windows 10 Pro



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Lennart_T failed to notice that the 2013 post was in the Retrospect 9 or higher for Macintosh forum.  Retrospect Mac has had a separate Console program since early 2009, but Retrospect Windows was unable to add that facility for reasons briefly explained in the last sentence of the first paragraph here.

What may help is to look in the Secret Preferences dialog, opened as described for Retrospect Windows (not the Client) in this KB article section.  That article was last updated in March 2015, so what you see may be different for Retrospect Windows 15.6.1.

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10 minutes ago, DavidHertzberg said:


Lennart_T failed to notice that the 2013 post was in the Retrospect 9 or higher for Macintosh forum. 

Ooops. Sorry about that.

There is a dashboard in later versions of Retrospect for Windows. I did not realize it had a different name (dashboard vs. console). Sorry again.

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What also may help is, per the appropriate section of this Knowledge Base article, to make sure that you don't have Enable Management Console checked or anything else set in that Preferences -> Management dialog.

IMHO what you really need is what I suggested in the last paragraph of this post.


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  • 2 weeks later...

There are actually two issues here.

1. data.appclicks.com is failing to get an IP from DNS, so the data can't be reported, I would think this is of importance to Retrospect. Meanwhile our logs fill up with DNS errors. See attached file data.appclicks.comDNSerror.jpg

2. For those of us who have not signed up for it, how to make the "Console" or the beta "Retrospect Management Console" or whatever it is called nowadays,, shut up so the logs don't fill up. In Preferences the box is UNchecked, see attached fileDataManagementConsoleOFF.jpg.



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The first thing I suggest is that you sign up for the Retrospect Management Console.  It's currently no-cost, and nobody from the Retrospect Inc. Police is going to come around and force you to look at it.  Installing the Management Console may give data.appclicks.com the IP it wants.

The second thing I suggest is that you create a Support Request, to let the Retrospect Inc. engineers know that this is another bug they need to fix.  Here's why and how to do it.

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Retrospect Mac administrators,

I was curious to see if this would apply to us, too.  So I did a Forums search on "data.appclicks.com", and found this post in a 2013 thread on the subject.  Since that thread is in the Mac 9+ Forum, I assumed it would also apply to current Retrospect Mac.  So I went looking for the corresponding preference in Retrospect Mac 15.6.1, and found it under Preferences->Console.  I've turned off that option, and it stuck through a reboot.

If there ever was an appclicks.com website, it doesn't exist now.

According to this post, David Lee is still listed on LinkedIn (which I don't subscribe to) as working for Retrospect Inc.; from the evidence he's still Director of Product Management, although he hasn't posted to the Forums since 2015.




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