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Disable Retrospect Monitor

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I have Roxio Retrospect for Windows V7.7. When Retrospect start automatically (when I boot my computer and log in), the Retrospect Monitor utility starts, instead of the main Retrospect window. Since the Retrospect Monitor gives almost no useful information, I don't ever want to use it. How can I disable it from running?




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The monitor is running because Retrospect.exe is already running in the background or under a different user account on the computer (which is normal on Vista or later) after an autolaunch. Manually launch Retrospect before scheduled backups to avoid this problem.

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The monitor is running because Retrospect.exe is already running in the background or under a different user account on the computer (which is normal on Vista or later) after an autolaunch. Manually launch Retrospect before scheduled backups to avoid this problem.


Hi Robin


Thanks for the reply! In Retrospect 'Startup preferences', I have selected both:


- Enable Retrospect Launcher service

- Automatically launch Retrospect


So I don't see how I can manually launch Retrospect before scheduled bacukps, UNLESS I disable use of these services.


What say you?




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Since the computer running Retrospect is only used for backups and file stores, I put Retrospect in my Startup folder to launch after logging in. The computer also automatically logs in (search internet for registry scripts to do this), but it's up to you whether your security set up allows this.


If you see the activity screen come up and you just want to open the full Retrospect, check the status line for any running scripts. If none are running, click the green restart button and the full Retrospect will open.

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