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Disaster Recovery CD Size

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When we tried to create a Disaster Recovery CD the resulting image was too large to be burned onto a CD. Is it possible to reduce the size? The server has undergone a number of OS changes and upgrades which may be the reason the image size is so bloated. It started off with Server 2000 OEM version. We then installed the SBS Standard retail version. It was then upgraded with the SBS 2003 Premium Upgrade kit.


Is it possible to use a retail SBS 2003 Premium CD when creating the Disaster Recovery CD, and if so will this give us an ISO small enough to burn to a CD? If not what steps can we take to reduce the image size?

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We need a firm answer.



on a community board? why haven't you called EMC Technical Support if you need a 'firm' answer?



This is a fringe case. I doubt anyone has tested DR with a twice upgraded OS, and I don't think TS would be able to give you a 'firm answer' either. You should test this yourself to know for sure. A test run of DR is a good idea anyway, so that you don't have to learn-on-the-fly if the critical moment arises.

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