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Error 519

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I'm running Retrospect Professional 6.5.350 on a Windows XP Home SP2 machine. I have 3 clients - 2 are running Windows XP SP2 Professional and the other is running Windows XP SP2 Home. On one of the XP Professional machines I regularly run into Error 519 -Trouble reading files - Network Communication Failed. It seems to always stop at the same point based on the number of files completed and those remaining. The backup runs after hours and when we look at the client machine in the morning after having error 519, it's like the machine is in the hibernation state - although the machine is set to not hibernate. We never have this problem with either of the other machines. I'm kind of grasping at straws on this but thought maybe someone else may have run into this problem.


Any help would be appreciated!

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Technically this post should be in the troubleshooting section.


Did you check the Windows event viewer on the client machine for any errors that may be related to the backup? If it continually stops on the same file can you determine what file that is? Have you run checkdisk or a defrag?

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I have had this same problem, but it was more sporadic. 3 Windows XP Professional workstations; and i would get Network Communication Failed errors. This is what I did and the errors have stopped.


- Open a Windows Explorer window

- In the menu, click on "Tools"

- Then click on "Folder Options"

- Click the "View" Tab

- Scroll all the way down until you see "Use simple file sharing (Recommended)

- Make sure there is "NO" check in the check box.

- click "OK"


Restart all workstations. I also check all my "power off" settings. I just made sure, Standby, hibernate were all disabled. I would try this has an "immediate" backup first, then schedule this for after hours. Using the immediate, lets you make sure you can connect to the clients thru your network. If you are using a Router, I would check those setting too. Other than that, let me know if it worked?



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