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Media request e-mail notification

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Running Retrospect 7.0.326 on two servers. One is Windows 2000, with a Sony AIT-2 autoloader, the other is Windows 2003, with a Sony AIT-2 single drive. Both Sonys are connected via SCSI.

Both servers are set up identical in terms of "Media Request" and "E-mail notification". We do get e-mails from both servers from all events, with one exception. The "autoloader" server will NEVER send a "Media Request" e-mail (which the "single drive" server does). Why?

How can we get "media request" e-mail messages when there is no more blank tapes in the loader?




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What *are* your Media Request settings? Can you force notification of a timeout through an immediate backup? Perhaps have only one tape in the library (the wrong tape) then let the script fail with a request timeout.


OK, the media request for both servers are:

Media request timeout: not checked (never)

Automatic skip to blank media: Checked.


I do not want a timeout (nor a failed script), I want a "Media request" e-mail so the operator knows when to insert new tapes.


We start a "New Media Backup" every Friday and use the same set every weekday night (Normal backup) for the rest of the week, so there really are no other scripts to run.

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