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asking for a second tape..

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I'm using a 80/160GB tape drive. The files I'm trying to backup are photos, roughly around 60GB of photos.


If I understanding this correctly, it should fit to a single tape, but Retrospect is asking for the second tape.


The first tape contains 57GB

The second tape contains 2.7GB


Why does it need another tape??



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Photos doesn't lend themselves to good compression. In the case of already compressed files (such as JPG or LZW compressed TIFFs) you can't compress them more at all.


If you are backing up a "slow" disk or a disk over the network, the tape drive has to stop and wait for more data, possibly waste some space on the tape in the process.

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I guess a little bit more info should help huh??


OS: Windows 2000 Server

Retrospect: 6.5 Server

Tape drive: VXA-2 80/160 external tape drive connected via SCSI


I know for sure it's not using software compression. If I click on the backup sets and view properties > under options, it has Hardware compression. Fast catalog file rebuild. How can I disable the hardware compression??



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Disabling hardware compression is not the answer. There is no penalty in any situation to have it enabled.


Are you backing up clients? Or a local backup?



Local drive only!


Rats. My theory went down the drain. frown.gif


OK, if you watch the backup running (on the first tape), does the tape drive stop and start a lot?

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