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Backup set Transfer failure in v7.0?

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I am transferring a 27 tape backup set to disk (taking about 2 hours per tape, 4 tapes a working day so it will take a long time to do). At tape 7 it completed with the tape name showing as erased. As I had set it not to erase so I thought that the tape might be corrupted so flagged it as missing and inserted tape 8. Retrospect then went on to produce a lot of rdp file at 12KB each - apparently cycling through the files in each snapshot. At the end tape 8 got the same "erased" status. I stopped the processing at this point having got a bad feeling.


Any suggestions?

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Are all these tapes members of the same backup set? If yes could try to transfert snapshot from this particular? If yes, instead of doing backup set transfert, do the snapshot transfert by selecting all your snapshot in the backup set.



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If a tape shows as erased it means the drive is telling Retrospect there is nothing on the tape. Either the tapes are hosed or there is a problem with the drive. What type of drive is this? Have you cleaned the tape heads lately?




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The 27 tapes have Server backup and daily PC client backups (Modified files) going back a few months. The drive is a 20GB native DAT drive.




I tried snapshot transfer but it wanted to go through each tape for each snapshot - I calculated about 1500 or more tape changes.




When I cancelled and put the tapes back in, the tape was not "erased" at all. I cleaned the drive before starting the transfer, so it should have been OK and anyway was fine afterwards.


If the transfer was complete it still shouldn't give an erased status.




Fun, fun, fun

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