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To start, I am new at this and do not have an IT or computer background. I have retrospect 7.o with 5 client pack. I tried to back up a client with xp-SP2, (same as my machine), it seems to start but part way thru my machine blue screens with the DRIVER-IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL ERROR.

Under the Techinical Information it show:

*** STOP: 0x000000D1(0x00002000,0x000000ff,0x00000000,0x00000000)

The firewall has been turned off on all our machines on campus by our IT dept.

I am trying to back up desktops onto an external 1TB LaCie drive connected to my machine via firewire card.

Not sure if related, but I used a demo version of Retro 7.0 in Feb before our IT installed SP2 on all the XP machines without a problem.

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Does it mention any file name after the "*** STOP" line? Doing a quick Google search and searching for the error on Microsoft's site, this error seems to be caused by bad drivers.


Do you get this error if you backup the local machine? You could try upgrading your network card drivers.

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There are no other files mentioned after the STOP line and I can back up my C drive without a problem, its the client XP machine that makes mine blue screen when I try to back up its C drive. I have run the back up on selected folder from the client machine and that works fine as well.

Could there be a system file on the client machine that causes mine to crash?

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This machine is the only XP I have to back up, I have not tried it on the Windows 2000 machines yet, but on the XP I uninstalled and reinstalled the Client software, left the original user logged on, even though I am administrator on that machine as well, reconfigured the client in retrospect and it seemed to work this time.


Do the client machines have to have the user logged on or should it be enough just to have the machine on? I was under the assumption that having the machine on is good enough and that I do not even have to be an administrator on the Client machines.


My other question is - the original Client software was installed before our IT dept decided to install SP2 and do some updates, could that somehow confused the software and reinstalling corrected the matter? - Just fishing, since I am not a computer or software expert, but was made responsible for back ups since that is my pet peave and none have ever been backed up before.

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Did you try installing Retrospect directly onto that XP machine to see if it can back up the c: drive locally?


As long as the machine is on and not in sleep/hibernation mode Retrospect will be able to back up that client.


Service Pack 2 introduced the Windows Firewall which actually blocks the Retrospect client. You should refer to this article for help with that:




The firewall should not be an issue because it looks like backups are starting and you are able to back up subvolumes just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I uninstalled the client software, reinstalled it, configured the client machine in retrospect again and had the original user stay logged on for the night. It seemed to have worked.

I tried it a week or so later, with the user leaving the machine on but not logged in, and my computer crashed again with the same error messages

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Hmm, that's odd, I've never seen whether being logged in or not have any impact on the backup server (and especially blue screening it). Can you consistenly get successfuly backups if you leave it logged in?


Also, have you tried updating the network card drivers?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, to add to the mystery, I was told to back up a Windows 2000 machine the other day and that too made my machine blue screen with the user logged off but machine is on. I have successfully backed up a new XP machine (2nd XP on my list).

As I said before, I am not a computer person, esp a computer admin and I do not even know what network card drivers really are not to mention reinstalling them.


So, now I have an XP I can back up and one that blue screens my machine. I have one windows 2000 I can back up and one that blue screens my machine. The only time all machines are backed up successfully is when the 2 trouble makers have the user logged on. If I decide to do daily back ups, I cannot have these people on 24 hrs a day.

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