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usb drive not seen by retrospect 6.5


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I've been using a maxtor one (250 gb) to back-up a small business network it work fine

for weeks but now retrospect say it can see the media but when a shut it down and ask me

to check media it says it is fine ? all suggestion would be appreciated. thanks

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What version of Retrospect do you have (6.5.xxx)

Are you accessing the network machines via Windows file sharing or Retrospect client?

Is the maxtor drive directly attatched to the backup computer or is it on a network share?




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I am connected to the back up computer. retrospect 6.5 backup is set up to back up that computer first then the two clients connected to it. this work well for weeks but now retrospect

does not see the external hard drive connected to the backup computer. i have tried changing computers that I used as the backup computer and placing retrospect on a that computer

the drive is still not see. I have read on dantz web site that the problem may be bridge driver for

the usb not installed. how do you check this?

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You ask some good questions. Let me make this clear the drive exist in every form necessary to be call a drive in windows except as far as retrospect is concerned a backup device. But when I click on configure and check devices retrospect does see it. It exist in the device manager in windows.

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Maybe you don't understand the problem. the external usb drive is used to back up the three

systems using retrospect and client software. It worked fine for about two months now restrospect says that it can't see the external usb harddrive anymore. this is the problem. it was the storage location now retrospect won't see as that any more. what I'm asking is how do I get it back to it old way of acting doing daily back-ups of the three systems which don't change that much but the little it does change is very important. I think but can't prove it must be seen under devices>status in order for it to be consider an back up option. as a matter of fact I was able to

plug in a 256mb key drive and have retrospect see that drive in configure>device>status. but not

the external usb maxtor anymore?

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You said you could see the drive in the Device Manager but you I can't tell if yout specifically confirmed that it's visible in Windows Explorer. I believe there's a difference. So, does it show up as a drive letter in Windows Explorer and you can open it and copy files to and from it?

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It worked fine for about two months now restrospect says that it can't see the external usb harddrive anymore. this is the problem.



What is the exact error message that you are seeing in Retrospect?

Is the drive visible under Configure > Volumes?

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I would like to thank everyone for your help and hopefully we can figure this out.


1. it can be seen by windows explorer and device manager.

2. I can write it to and copy from it. I tried that just to make sure it was not the drive at

least under those conditions.

3. I can see it in the configure>volumes but then I click it and it is scanned

this error appears -1001(unknown Windows OS error), also when it first start not

to work it log this error -102

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Okay the problems has not been solved yet but it I may have a better understanding. Retrospect does see the drive it simply refuses to write to it any more, I think. I've been letting the script run but it always stalls when it time to write to disk. The program then ask for a new disk drive with at

least 230 gb of free space that the amount of space of the maxtor. but I've used about 80gb for the three computer and 10gb for a notebook of the manager. How do I get retrospect to write

to the the disk that there?

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The error -102 suggests a communications problem with maxtor hd.

This could be caused by several things:


1. Bad usb cable

2. Bad usb port

3. Corrupted/failing hd.


If you have enough space on your local hd, I would copy over the data on your maxtor to the local C: temporarily and format the maxtor to start from a clean slate and then setup a new backup.


Also, you may want to try plugging the maxtor and running Retrospect on another machine to see if it's a hardware issue.

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