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Over 4000 errors


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I have just bought the Wesrern Digital external Hard Drive with OEM Express 6.5.342, Running win xp.

Ihave it set up to back up the entire drive each day, but each day I have over 4000 errors listed making me believe than not much is really being backed up.

The errors are similar to this:

File "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\pubprn.vbs": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)


Anybody else have this problem , or better yet a solution to this problem?


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  • 2 weeks later...

They seem to be all over the disc. I hadn't noticed the date , most all are around 1979 1980 so I have no idea why. I dont think I have any software that old and the computer is only 2 years old I have copied a larger sample of some of the errors in case it sheds any more light on the problem, but the errors arer all over the disc, not just these.

Thanks Ron



- 2/17/2005 4:00:10 AM: Copying Main Drive 2004 (C:)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Acr3292.tmp": can't read, error -1020 (sharing violation)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\AcrA07.tmp": can't read, error -1020 (sharing violation)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\AcrA11.tmp": can't read, error -1020 (sharing violation)

File "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC\symlcrst.dll": can't read, error -1020 (sharing violation)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\tvDebug.log": appears incomplete

File "C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{63F8F7AA-A1B3-443D-9C18-6C3122416AA3}.bin": can't read, error -1020 (sharing violation)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ZLT05207.TMP": can't read, error -1020 (sharing violation)

2/17/2005 4:17:27 AM: Comparing Backup of Main Drive 2004 © on WD MediaCtr (O:)

File "C:\boot.ini": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\NTDETECT.COM": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\ntldr": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\6.0\AcroForm\MRUFormsList": didn't compare at offset 3,069 in stream "Data"

File "C:\WINDOWS\_default.pif": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\clock.avi": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.scf": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\hh.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\msdfmap.ini": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\system.ini": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\twain.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\twain_32.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\twunk_16.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\twunk_32.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\vmmreg32.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\win.ini": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\winhelp.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\winhlp32.exe": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\acgenral.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\aclayers.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\aclua.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\acspecfc.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\acxtrnal.dll": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apph_sp.sdb": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\apphelp.sdb": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\drvmain.sdb": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\msimain.sdb": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\driver.cab": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp1.cab": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

File "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arialbd.ttf": different creation date/time (src: 12/31/1979 6:00:00 PM, dest: 1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM)

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  • 7 months later...

I get 3400+ similar errors when Duplicating from my HD to a Dual-Option Western Digital 160 GB USB, which came with Retrospect Express v6.5.342. I do not get these verification errors when running a Backup script (instead of a Duplicate).


I believe the files are duplicated properly, except for the creation date. The errors are probably due to Retrospect's inability to deal with a creation date/time prior to 1/1/1980 00:00. This must be Window's time zero.


On my system, the files that generate the error all have a creation date/time of 12/31/1979 8:00:00 PM. My time zone is Eastern Daylight (EDT), or GMT - 4:00, so the creation dates were probably changed from 1/1/1980 00:00:00 when I originally set my computer's time zone. I wonder if this issue could be avoided by setting the time zone in BIOS before installing the OS. Does anyone know?


I checked the properties of one of the original files and its duplicate. Retrospect set the duplicate's creation date to blank (or null). During verification Retrospect interprets the blank date as 1/1/1980 00:00:00. EMC Dantz should address this issue.

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Good idea. I tried what you suggested. The creation date/time of the copy was set to the current date/time (today). The modified date was identical to the original file. So, we can rule out the disk/OS for setting a zero creation date.


I did an experiment with the time zone. It is not stored in the computer's BIOS. The creation date of each file on the system disk is shifted when you change the time zone. No time shift occurs for files on the external disk.


When the time zone is changed from Eastern to GMT, the creation dates for the original files change from 12/31/1979 8:00:00 PM to 1/1/1980 01:00:00 AM (the expected five hour difference). When Automatic Daylight Savings Time is then turned off they shift back one hour and show a blank creation date. Here are my conclusions:

-Windows XP uses 1/1/1980 00:00:00 AM as the zero date/time.

-Windows XP displays the zero date/time as a blank.

-When duplicating files, Retrospect does not copy negative date/times. Instead it sets the creation date to zero (not null as I suggested earlier).


Changing time zones is not a good workaround. Another workaround is to use a Backup script instead of a Duplicate script. The best solution would be for EMC Dantz to modify Retrospect and allow negative creation dates when Duplicating.


I just noticed that Windows Explorer does not allow searches for file dates prior to 1/1/1980. How can WinXP create a negative date value but not allow you to search for it? I guess I shouldn't be too hard on Retrospect.


How did I end up with so many system files with a zero creation date (negative value in my time zone)? I checked one other WinXP computer in my office - those system files are dated ~2002-3. I have SP2 and have run Windows Update on my machine. Maybe it happened when I restored the OS to a replacement hard disk. I doubt it because most of the files on the restore CD have a creation date of 3/31/2003. Any ideas?

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