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Error 1103

Tony Albano

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I'm using the latest version of Retrospect 6.5. The message I get is ".....


+ Executing Immediate Backup at 16/01/2005 22:47

To Backup Set Bestia...


- 16/01/2005 22:47:42: Copying India (I:)

File "I:\Floppies\Boot up disk\README.TXT": can't read, error -1103 (write protected)

Trouble reading files, error -1103 (write protected)

16/01/2005 22:48:30: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 2 files, 935 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB, with 0% compression

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:00:44 (00:00:41 idle/loading/preparing) ...."


This occurs each time whether scripted or manual. I'm doing a "Backup" not a duplicate. I hope this info helps.





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Thanks for your response.


I: drive is a 2nd drive on my PC - drives C: to H: being the 1st drive. I've moved the readme file to another drive, ie H: and it backed up on H:, so I don't think it's the file. I say this because when I then tried to run a backup on I:, I got the same error message but this time it says the DRIVE is write protected! Something seems to have "locked" the drive preventing Retrospect doing its stuff??





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This is bizzarre. What other programs are running in the background on your machine? Is it a dual boot setup? You might want to try booting into another OS and see if you have the same problem.


What else is the I drive used for?


If you define a folder on the I drive as a subvolume are you then able to back up that folder?




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I've sorted it!!


I was using PartitionIt, which includes its own disk checker. This reported that I: was locked. Its help page suggest I run Chkdsk from a DOS window. When I ran it on I:, Chkdsk reported that the volume was mounted or something similar and the disk couldn't be checked until the drive was unmounted. I said "Yes" to unmounting and Chkdsk did its stuff. No errors returned. I then ran the backup and just as bizzarely, the backup now works and has done several times!! Incidently, the drive is used for storage and defining a subfolder didn't work -Error 1103. That was before I somehow fixed it. I've got lots of stuff running in the background but the only stuff that would "use" the drive would be antivirus. Can't imagine what occured. Something locked the drive and then released it.


Many thanks for your help. Hopefully, others in a similar situation can benefit from this thread.



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