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At the very end of each backup these days I'm getting: "internal consistency check failed assertion check at elem16.c-687".


I have not been able to locate -687 in any online error code list.

Using Desktop to backup 1 Mac and 1 PC (client) to a LaCie Porsche HD.

Retrospect Desktop is running on OS 10.3.6

Is this a problem? What can I do to pass that darn assertion check?


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We were running 6.0.178 and reciently upgraded to 6.0.204 to see if that might take care of the problem

The Mac is running 10.3.6

the error report occurs just as RETROSPECT is quitting and it specifically says:

Trouble in Retrospect:

Internal consistancy check failed:

Assertion check at "elem16.c-687"

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I am experiencing the same problem. Running Retrospect Work Group version 6.0.193 on a Mac OSX 10.3.7.


I recently created a new backup set that contains 2 client machines (a eMac and a Dell notebook). The older sets had worked fine with the same 2 computers. It seems that it completes scanning and copying the files to the catalog from the first client (the eMac) and then I get the error "Internal consistency check failed: Assertion check at "elem16.c-687" and does not continue onto the second client. When I click the quit button if compresses the catalog. I checked the trouble shooting area and tried doing a search to see if the catalog was corrupt. It found the files I searched for, one on the eMac, the other on the Dell. I am thinking about just dumping the catalog, erasing the discs, and starting from scratch to see if the problem goes away.


Any ideas??

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Its hard to say where the problem is at this point. Don't chuck it all just yet.


Move the Retrospect preferences file to another folder on your disk and do a backup of your clients to an existing catalog. If that works we can assume the error was caused by corrupt Retrospect prefereces.


The prefereces are located at:





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  • 2 years later...


I have had this issue a couple of times. The following, from Macintouch.com, worked for me:


Oct. 5, 2005


Mike Friese

Re: Retrospect 5.1.167. I found the workaround for the error "Internal consistency check failed: Assertion check at elem16.c-687"


You need to "forget" and reestablish each defective client. Important: Exit Retrospect to save the changes. If Retrospect bombs, the changes will be forgotten. To find defective clients without doing a backup, click on Configure:Clients. Double click a suspect client. Click on the Configure tab. If the client is defective, Retrospect will bomb.


I had four faulty clients on my 20 client system. I do not know what caused the problem but here are the changes since last week:


-I tried to run two instances of Retrospect

-I plugged in a FireWire VXA-1 in addition to my SCSI VXA-2.

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There is great confusion here. Many versions of Mac OS and Retrospect are being confused. Moe, your so-called workaround was for Retrospect 5.1.167, which was a different animal (and several releases ago) from the current version, Retrospect 6.1.126.


And it's confusing, Moe, why you made your post on such a long-closed thread (last post over a year ago).



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